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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Thanks for the laugh Eddie!

  • Do not worry, it soon kicks its clogs,

  • Hi Kate, been away for the weekend, without Poppy, I think she missed me, you would think I had been away a month, we are off to allotment to water greenhouse, hopefully the plants can be saved, thunderstorms are fab, best thing for the garden. Enjoy your walk with Candy.

    Eddie xx

  • I've had fly's flapping round me all day too so I'm glad it's not me smelling, it's been to hot for me today and I'd love a thunderstorm too


  • LOL  Lec, your not alone  used to like a thunder storm, till a lighting bolt hit my daughters house.

    Did nt realise what damage could be done.

  • I think there's one brewing but just my luck it will wake me up when I'm sleeping for once


  • That is so annoying no consideration for any one

  • You are welcome Kate, I loved your reply to Chimpy,, It's so nice having somewhere you can be so open with people who understand, Poppy wants out so take care.

    Eddie xx

  • I don't know Eddie....I wasn't at the front of the queue when tact and diplomacy was being handed out! Throughout my life, I've felt awkward with people, because I can come across as too 'direct'. Some people are affronted by this. I do care passionately about people though, and hope I can offer some words of comfort or reassurance, even if I'm a bit blunt.

    It is how I am, and to some extent, it's what is getting me through this whole cancer experience....a 'gritty determination', rather than a 'positive' attitude. I knew as soon as I was told that a lesion on my scalp had 'abnormal' kidney cells in it, that I really had a big 'Big C' problem, and that it would be incurable. I never tried to kid myself that it would be curable, and I wasn't offered surgery, but immunotherapy as a palliative measure. I think this has made a big difference to how I've approached my cancer. I haven't had to go through the hope...treatment....hope....different treatment...scenario, or the recovering from surgery. In other words, I've never expected or hoped for a happy ending, or a miracle cure.

    What I'm hoping for now is to have the strength and stamina to really sort out my new garden, so that it is in decent shape for the next owner to take it on. One more 'good' year or two if I'm lucky.

    I AM happy, and enjoying my life, and want to make the most of what I have. Oh, and win the lottery!

    Good night....give Poppy a pat from me.


  • Kate you are not alone, i always say, i am who i am,  if people do not like it, thats their problem.

    I will not try and be some one else, for others.

    I say it as it is, so i am  blunt, please or offend,  though i am caring as well.