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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Still over cast here, glad to hear you had quiet a god sleep, good one.

    Just sat done for my coffee, washing is on the line, and blowing, simple things, do like my washing out.

    Hope your day goes smoothly  Pappa Bear 

  • Well what a Lovely Sunday Morning it is Here .

    I hope you have the same, i have a quiet day on the cards, 

    Yesterday was different, had lots of company . we had wine,, cake, and a takeaway every one was in good spirits, so back done to earth today.

    So not long up had a lay in, .

    You all enjoy your day. 

  • Good morning Ellie. Yes lovely Sunday  morning  here. Blue sky sun out. Had a lively day out yesterday. No plans today, but a good day for the park. Enjoy your day xx


  • Morning Moi and Elli and everyone, lovely here at the lakes, sadly one night only 


  • Make the most of it,  make hay while the sun shines

  • All the farmers are making hay here! Lots of tractors on the roads. Very irritating!

    Candy had a long swim on our local beach this morning. She's now drying off in the garden. I'm hanging about indoors, trying to get up the energy to tackle a bit more gardening. Rather too warm at the moment!

    Hope you're all enjoying this sunny Sunday.


  • Morning all , although I was up and out walking the dog at 5  , red hot here I've been shopping and now cat nap time with the fan on , hope everyone is ok and have a lovely day 


  • Glad everyone has the nice weather, well my jobs are done for Sunday.

    Cooked a chicken cluck cluck, washing now on line, and washed two floors, that is enough.

    Think i could do with a cap nap Lec, though you was up well before me.

    I did my gardening, i Friday, that will do.

    Kate  i can  imagen the noise, its to warm for you to be gardening, i am siting on my stairs both  doors open, waiting for floor to dry, sad really but have a coffee.

  • I had the patio doors open all day, so having to put up with lots of flies in the house!

    I didn't do any gardening today afterall. I'm going to take Candy out for an evening stroll now it's cooled down a bit. There were a couple of rumbles of thunder earlier, but no sign of rain yet.

    I love a good thunderstorm! So long as I'm not outside in it...

  • Hi Ellie, if you chickens going cluck cluck it needs a little longer in the oven LOL