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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Right shopping done, came home put it away, had lunch.

    Lovely went out and cut the grass, now for  strimming the edges, i hate strimmer's, took me ages, to put wire, in the right holes, my eyes, are terrible now, done it.

    Plug in start to strim wire breaks, after three times of  re wiring, the strimmer, got put away,

    Never give up on first attempt, after three that is  beyond a joke, in my book.

    So cuppa tea, and chill now, 

  • Hi Ellie re wiring a strimmer is such a pain, someone should have come up with a better design by now, DON'T COPY ME. I tie 2 pieces of wire to the spool and I am very careful with it, cuppa and a sit down well deserved,


  • It is so frustrating, you would have thought some one had the brains, to make it easier For me it is the worst part, of doing my garden..

  • Strimmers certainly are a pain in the ar_e, Got my application form today to request my medical records, when i phoned for them to be sent  i asked for oncology and cardio notes, they sent me a urology form with the warning if I ask for too much information i will be charged, If they told me everything that came up in my tests i wouldn't need to apply, PALS on Monday for me.


  • How do you know they have not told you everything, when  i get a letter from Dr at Barts, he does not hold back, good and bad, hits home when i read the letter,

    I get a coy of the letter my oncology send to my  gp, so really i cannot complain, when i was waiting for results regarding my fractures, i asked if cancer in  bones then what, i got my answer and knew i r

    radiotherapy or oral chemo..

    All hospitals are different i suppose. 

    You know what is the first port of call Monday then.

  • Ellie I have been able to get a few notes from my hospitals, not the ones they send out to us, I get all them, the ones they send to each other. I don't know how much of this you will understand, but I am sure you will have a good idea. Things i was NOT told, Notes from March 2022, my cancer showed intraductal markers, cribriform pattern. I had liver cysts, spinal lesions and gallbladder stones, and my cancer had spread to right iliac, mesorectal and perirectal lymph nodes and my TNM staging was T4 N2 M1a and not what they told me T3A N0 M0. 


  • Why do you want to know the in and outs, to that degree, surely you have to have faith in your doctors, that is their job, and they know what they are doing,and which way it may go,

    A kittle bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing so they say  or to much.

    You have to have Faith

  • It's hard to have trust in someone who doesn't trust you with the whole facts,

  • They tell you what you have to hear, all the in and outs, if they do not effect you and is just their medical knowledge, the majority of people would not make séance of it,,

  • Hi Ellie, I did 15 years in healthcare 5 of which was in end of life cancer care, so know a little about medical matters and cancer and would have liked to make an informed decision about my cancer treatment, but i was denied that as i was not informed about all relevant details needed to make that decision.