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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Hi Eddiel and all

    Birds are nesting in my garden too! Just where I want to work, so I try another part of the garden, and find another nest. I'm trying to renovate a garden that hasn't been touched for years. Loads still to do, and I'm waiting for the birds to fledge so I can really get stuck in. It's my fault for encouraging them by putting bird food out all winter!

    Actually, it's just an excuse to sit outside and do nothing! Enjoying this wonderful weather.

    Have a good weekend everyone!


  • Sounds wonderful Kate, I live in a terrace with a small garden, and the only one planted for wildlife and I get up to 6 nests at any one time, and sitting on the bench reading with the birds all around is fab, I feed the birds also and if we get Robins can often get them feeding out of the hand.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi all been down the beach all day, took our chairs and brolly and picnic.

    Very busy pleased we went early, no parking space by, we set up so we could see our car.

    A beautiful day, might go to Richmond tomorrow.

    I hope you all have had a lovely day., ThumbsupThumbsupThumbsupThumbsup

  • How the other half live Pleased you had a lovely da, and enjoying tis weather, Not going to las  so they say,

  • Sounds great Ulls, shame you have to keep an eye on your car, though nice you took a picnic, I always do part of being by the seaside is lunch on the beach,

  • Hi Ulls, That sounds ideal but it was a bit too hot for me. Just as well we were indoors most of the afternoon. Our youngest granddaughter made her First Communion yesterday and it was lovely to see the children dressed up and not having to battle the wind and rain. From the church we went to a local restaurant and had a buffet lunch which was delicious. Followed by a piece of cake and coffee!

    When we got home it had started to become slightly cooler so I got changed and did some gardening. My husband went for 40 winks at 4pm and slept until after 9pm, I was still in the garden but had been taking regular breaks. I thought my head would hit the pillow and I would be asleep in minutes! No such luck.

    Our forecast is for thunderstorms and heavy showers later this afternoon, so will try to get into the garden before that. Have a great day everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good afternoon Ellie,

    I had the Northrrn Lights on Friday night at the back of the house. We get them from time to time, but Friday night was spectacular. Beautiful pink and green colours dancing in the sky. It’s always a great pleasure to watch the amazing display. Sadly I have a very busy badger digging up my grass at the moment. Garden looks like a Swiss cheese with all the holes. We have had an awful lot of Badgers this year. Considerable more than previously. Hope you all have a lovely afternoon/evening

    love to all from Alana xx

  • Afternoon Alana

    Badgers, never had them, though other year a Vixen 

    had her five cubs under my shed, they looked lovely and got bigger and bigger, do not leave their den till august time, it was April when they appeared.


    My garden was ruined, dug all my roses up, standing on my garden table up at windows, what a mess, so know how you fill.

    My son has been here for nearly a week though went home today, will miss him, though could not have any of my children back, on a permeant basis sorry to say,, they have their ways and i have mine, they are grown up adults with families of their own..

    Wishing all dry, going to get in, later

  • You are so right Ellie

    I love my 3 kids to pieces but perish the thought I had to live with them permanently again. I have my own routines and just do what I like, when I like it without having to worry about anyone else. After they had all left for University within 4 years I had the .Empty Nest syndrome for a while. One day I realised that it was actually great fun to have me time again and come and go as I wished

    hugs all round from Alana

  • Glad i am not the only one thinking like that.

    Yes seeing the lights where  lovely, though in one way,  it hit home, i was not seeing them with a certain person..

    Husband and i had booked a cruise to  Norway in hope of seeing then, was booked for the April but he ways  ill,  and i lost him.

    He was always at my side, and no doubt he was Friday, lol