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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Definitely, it's was ok for you having been asleep in the sun all day.

  • Not me shopping, got home, did lunch put shopping away, went out and planted to plants come in and just cleared up now sat down.

    Son been here since Monday  mummy has waited on him, cooking clearing up, though he has not  stopped working, doing all  my jobs with in the house. and out side, i am knackered watching him.

    Siting in the sun as if i would.

  • It was a lovely, sunny day here too. I feel like a pin cushion tonight. After my trip to get my injections and chemo tabs I had to get my Covid booster and my Pneumococcal booster done too. My rather tender posterior will be joined by a sore right arm for a couple of days. Due to my mastectomy I have to get both jabs in one arm. The joys of it all. Nice quiet weekend sounds like a plan at present. Got some new books so that will keep me happily occupied and helps ignoring the fence, which needs a new coat of paint. 

    love to you all Alana xx

  • You can be used as a sieve, with all those little punctures.

    Yes my daughter is the same, can only get in the same arm, , same reason as you.

    .  This staying  alive, is  not easy though has to be done.

    I bought eight new books

    last year to read, but eyes have got worse and have read none,,

    Hopefully not much longer, .

    Lovely here as well and same for weekend, then change on the way so they say,

  • Hi All, Well our 3 grandchildren came here after school then went to their badminton club and came back to play and have dinner. It is great for them to be able to play outside in the garden, it is only the second time this year!

    I'm exhausted but just put our meal on. Vince has collapsed in a heap onto his chair and is fast asleep already, luck him. I can only sleep in my bed and even then I have problems. It was terrific to hear all the laughter and worth being tired for!! Off to have a late meal now!

    Have a great weekend everyone. Our youngest granddaughter has her First Communion in the morning followed by a family lunch! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Have a lovely day tomorrow xx

    Alana xx

  • Thanks Alana, The weather is meant to be lovely but apart from getting some photographs done we will be inside. I don't take the heat well, so it will be nice to sit in the garden when we get home early evening as it will be cooler!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Ellie, Those books will be good for this coming winter or to sit and read in the garden, now you have a date for your eyes! All you have to do is decide which one to read first! I like crime drama!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning All, Hope you re doing good.


    Well did any one get to see The Northern Lights or Aurea as they say.

    Well  my Daughter Ivies 5mins way from me, and can see her house from my back garden,, was right over her house and  we took loads of photos,.

    May get to see it again tonight.

    Right washing day for me, have done none all week, as son has been in the way

    Back to normality. 

  • Morning Ellie and all, another lovely day, bed at 10pm for me Ellie, though may stop up to see them tonight, good day for laundry it will dry in no time, no plans for today was going to tidy my little garden at home but the birds are nesting, Eddie