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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • He was short  haired, he was lovely it was alright.

    We had a  Labrador Sam but so destructive., so big, and would lick you to death as such, though let no one in, unless we said those where the days.

    Tom would only have a dog if it was a dog and not a little rat as he used to say.


  • Hi Alana01, just wanted to offer my best wishes to you regarding your treatment, I hope it goes as well as possible, good to see your trying to be positive and you have 3 grown up children and 4, soon to be 5 grandkids as well, I too have 3 kids and 7 grand kids and couldn't imagine being without them nor my furry friend at home, Poppy the Jack Russell, best wishes to you and your cat.

    Eddie xx

  • thank you Eddie, I am so glad I have myself the push to get involved with this group chat. Next step will be to get a decent night’s sleep. Love your dogs name. My cat is called Lilly and she is greSmiley fun. Getting on a bit now with age like myself Smiley. Of course in my mind I am just a recycled teenager.

    hope you are doing ok

    hugs to everyone from Alana 

  • Hi Alana, hope you managed to get some sleep, I used to browse the community for some time before my first post and I am so glad I did, somehow I have found myself on 12 forums. Though very rare i will start a new thread. sorry to hear your not sleeping well, I know how much that takes out of you, took me 18 months to get through it. Tried everything then tried relaxation therapy which turned things around for me, do it at Maggies, and you can do it online as well. Poppy's fab but unlike Lilly needs someone to walk her, nothing wrong with thinking your a recycled teenager, works for me. best wishes.

    Eddie xx

  • Good Morning All

    Was lovely here yesterday and today the same.

     Son is here and he was busy doing some jobs, and yes i was foreman, no i was helping him, more the dogs body as we say.

    I had a visit from two nurses, that took n hour, brilliant, they where, a lot accomplished, so a happy bunny, about time.

    Of course my other son came in to see his brother, and i expect the same today, bit like old .days, though can be tiring, and yes i am the cook, washer up and bottle washer, would not have it any other way.

    You all have a good day and i will be back, as they say, today, tomorrow and hopefully a ;lot more.

  • Hi all, blue sky sunny and warm, slight breeze, been on rear terrace all morning, I hope your all having a good day.

  • Hi, I was in the garden this afternoon and going toward teatime and during the latter, I got blown away! The wind was very strong but thankfully not cold!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Alana, I'm so sorry I have JUST seen this, I had problems the other day when I tried to reply and wasn't sure if you'd noticed I sent to you via Ulls as his was the only reply button that worked!

    Wow, to be good all that time I can hardly imagine how you felt when you were told it was back, I'm so sorry to hear that. My diagnosis was 2013 but at the back of my mind is always the possibility of recurrence. I think we all hope for the best and try to prepare for the worst when waiting on results.

    It is great you too have grandchildren, I have 3 and they certainly keep me going. You also have one due very soon, how exciting. They really aren't babies long enough! Our eldest granddaughter starts High School after the summer holidays, I can't believe it! I hope your treatment sends the cancer on its way! Take care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning everyone, another lovely sunny day which i hope you are all sharing, best wishes to anyone who has appointments, take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Morning, lovely here as well  and going to be  like it all day.

    I am glad my son has out side jobs to do.

    I am having a cuppa, then shower for me lets see what the day may bring, a good one for all. .