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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Morning Eddie and all, glad you're scan went well and the sun has got his hat on this morning, hope everyone is ok and enjoy your day 


  • Morning to you as well.

    Yes Sun does have hat on, as well as yesterday, be wearing  it out.

    You have a good day, and hope your ok, i have a day on my own.

    .Had company yesterday, so a rest today. 

  • Good morning, Great your scan went smoothly Ellie, Ulls, hope you had a better night last night. I'm still trying to get to sleep!

    They say No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.......While we were away I bought some new bird feeders, yesterday went into the shed to get seed to fill them up, picked up the bag then disaster struck! There was a hole n bottom of the bag and the seed went everywhere! I sure you can imagine the mess, seed on, around and under everything, what a mess. So for the next 70 minutes, instead of doing my garden, I was clearing bird seed! The shed is 10' X 10' so in that time I managed to clean only half of it! Still got the rest to do later. When Vince came home he said what are you still doing in the garden, it's after 8pm! I knew I was exhausted but hadn't realised the time. Vince then said he would start the dinner!

    Do you think the ongoing problems with the site is the reason why there are more people not posting than there are posting! Maybe have run out of patience!

    I am off to try to get a couple of hours sleep, hope everyone has a great day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Enjoy your rest , I have no plans so will be a few dog walks only 


  • Thank you Lee, I am having a a little longer in bed today, up soon as Poppy giving me her, I need to go out stare, how are you doing


  • Same here Eddie, I'm doing ok thanks had my scan a few days back so waiting on results but I feel fine, hope you and poppy enjoy your walk


  • Hi Lee we are in Scotland so going for a walk by the sea, Have to home Tuesday for cystoscopy the next couple of days a colonoscopy and urinary tract CT, happy days,


  • A busy time then, enjoy a sea breeze Eddie! I'm off with ring now I did want a lazy day but his eyes are drilling into me,, take care


  • Hi Lee and everyone

    I was up really early this morning, so was out with Candy on the beach for a walk. It was beautiful....almost but not quite raining, and a bit misty, but the sea was like a millpond. Listened to the dawn chorus then headed back home. Was planning to do some gardening, but feel quite tired now!

    I agree, there aren't as many people posting as there used to be. I use my laptop, and haven't had any problems with the site, except a couple of times my replies haven't posted.

    Ah well, got to keep trying!

    Have a good day, everyone!


  • Morning Kate, nice to hear from you, a walk along the beach sounds wonderful, was just going out to do the same, hope a rest and a little time will give you the energy to get in the garden, take care.

    Eddie xx