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Lovely Morning-Chit -Chat- Thread - March 2024

  • 444 replies
  • 51 subscribers

New month, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • That is real good news, fingers crossed for CT.

    Hope you fill a little bit more relaxed as such.

    I go for my results two weeks today.

    Been grey and miserable here today sick of this weather.

  • So pleased for uou Ulls that is really good news  everything crossed for ct results. Have a little tot to celebrate.  Take care lovely xx


  • Hi Ulls, That's fantastic, long may it continue!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good Morning Everyone.

    Its Thursday, roll on the weekend, it is not raining, thank goodness.

      More  work men today, never had so many men in my house, going to miss them, when job is done.

    Though that will mean, i have things to do.

    I see the forum is still not working right been a while now, getting very frustrating and the forum or thread has been really quiet, think others, are staying away, at times.

    Few people missing, not seen  Lee for a while, and yes i  Judy, have e  mailed though nothing back.

    Hope you all have a pleasant day. x

  • Hi Ellie, yes it's quiet on the thread, but it is annoying when it's not working properly so people jjust not bothering to try again. 

    I just hope Judy is not in pain and feeling loved by us all. Purple heart  yes I do miss Lee, so get in touch Mr. Your missed by us all.

    Nothing planed for today.  That fine rain that gets you soaked, so won't be going out today unless I have to. Hope your keeping up the cups of tea for your work men. Have a good day  xx


  • Yes i would not mind, but we never get updates from the mods, saying what's going on.

    Three weeks, now, i cannot blame others for staying away.

    Oh yes i know how to make tea, they shout Ellie tea.

    Here before eight this morning and i have had two phone calls all ready.

    Sun trying to come threw, glad its not raining they are up and down the stairs, got ore energy than me thats for sure.

    I am just fed up siting about no used to it lol x

  • The most annoying thing about having to sit still is when you have to do it, no choice, but when you want to do it that's ok 

  • The catastrophe which has befallen our group, made me wonder if the techs ever worked on the horizon system, since then I feel like I'm in a distopian nightmare, HELP!!!!! 

  • Oh Ulls   you re so right, i have e   mailed the mods twice, yesterday and today, no reply, perhaps they have problems .

    Three weeks is taking the mickey, Techs need a refresher course, i would say, though we have each other though only few of us, lol 

  • Hi ,

    Unfortunately we haven't received any updates from our development partners yet, and so we haven't been able to post an update to the general community about the usability issues some members have reported to us.

    Of course we want to keep you specifically updated, but please don't forget that we are also supporting an entire Community, and not just this one important part of it. When we have some genuine progress to share, rest assured we'll make it known as we really want to see these issues solved too.

    I know you said that you have been receiving emails regarding problems some members are having, so we would appreciate it if you could repeat to them the advice Megan gave last week, regarding emailing us directly so we can document the issues they are having. The more specific detail we have, the more information we have to forward our development partners.

    I would definitely share your concern if any perceived drop-off in activity is related to problems using the forums. You did mention that you have emailed some members who you haven't seen post here recently, but that you haven't heard back.

    Hopefully it is just a case of them being busy and not having had the time to post or reply to emails lately, but if you do hear back and they are having difficulty using the forums, please urge them to email our Community email address as mentioned previously. We'd be keen to support them individually so we can give them the most relevant help possible.

    General forum statistics suggest we're not seeing a large reduction in users, but we are very keen to get solid reports from every individual experiencing issues using the forums. You can really help us by reminding people to get in touch with us directly so we have a good overview of the issues still being encountered.

    Many thanks for your continued passion, and the love you show the Community. It is hugely appreciated!

    All the best,
    Macmillan Online Community Team