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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • Afternoon. Just putting my head round the door to say Hello. Typically, I've rejoined this Forum to find Ulls talking about football.  And where's my favourite pickle?

    Rainie xxx

  • Well, well, well, it’s that Rainie person!

    it’s all as you left it here, Ellie waking us up, Ulls boring us with the offside rule and the Branston maintaining  the decorum requirements on here!

    hows the Hockney and Pollack world?

  • Its Sunday, Day of Rest, and i am going to go, at a Snail Pace, even lte getting up, so be it.

    Change is as good as a rest.

    Enjoy your Day, what ever you do.

  • Good morning all, Ellie enjoy your restful day. I started decorating my windows yesterday, then took cards and presents to mine and Ray's brothers, so that's out the way. Might put my tree up today, we'll see.

    It's so miserable out today dark wet and windy. Will stay in today and blast some Christmas Carol's about the flat to cheer me up. Oh another cup of coffee has just arrive curtesy of Ray, I'll have this then get up. Have a good day xx


  • Enjoy your day, whether Tree goes up or not.

    My Cards all got posted on the 1st, first time i was early, Trees are up, house is a bit of a mess storm before the calm.

    Bits laying about, have a few pressies to wrap, and Envelopes to have money put in them, then i will have to sing for my supper.,

    Enjoy your Sundayn 

  • Hi BP. I've been painting stuff with birdies in. A bit more sedate than Jackson Pollack, but I wish I still had his energy. Hope you and yours alright and looking forward to a bit of festive. Rainie x

  • Been doing as little as I can get away with! Both have bits dropping off us!

    had more forum pets, all caused trouble, decided not to have anymore after Torty the tortoise and his drug problems.

    resolution didn’t last long, A llama came to stay, a long story, but now with Ellie.

    I am enjoying the site but nearly everyone is unwell, thought it was just me.

    slso difficulties with saying simple words.. you can’t say DEEW the other way round as the teacher tells you off. It’s not a safe space for me anymore

    i am thinking of popping down to the south coast, picking up a free dinghy  and having a croquet monsier in Normandy.

    the only problem is that it is free to go there but someone said it costs £8000 to come back even if you bring your own dinghy .

    seems unfair to me as I’m not well you know.

  • Joy I’ve got swollen legs, ankles and feet. Did you know 

    you must have been a teacher’s nightmare! 

  • Yes but I’ve been not well for a long time so need extra sympathy and virtual hugs.

    My teachers all said they wished they were shelf stacking in the supermarket instead of teaching me.

    I really don’t understand them.

  • I thought as much! 
    You have my sympathy. And a virtual hug Hugging but make it las.