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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • That is real good to hear Bev, pleased for you x

  • Good to hear you blood test was good Bev, hoping the same for you Ellie. 
    Think it’s going to be a nice day today so I’m going to plant some spring bulbs at my allotment . I know it’s a bit late but hoping they’ll be ok. That will probably wipe me out as doing a bit of housework and also spreading muck on the beds . Hope you are all ok x

  • Good morning all, yesterday went to use the car, front tyre totally flat, waiting for the tyre man to come and put a new one on, bit of investigation shows it is the fella upstairs who punched it, think he forgot car park has security cameras, oh he also ripped another car rear number plate off. I've phoned the police and he can pay the £100 bill. Rant over. I'm fuming, had to stop Ray going up to him,, he'll get a fright when the police turn up. xx


  • Shedders, why are you  spreading muck on your beds, giving yourself, more washing.

    Enjoy your day. 

  • Hope you fill better, for having your rant, good one, hope it gets sorted, without any hassle.

  • Well, not very motivated this morning, had a terrible night, still awake at, 2,30 3,30 mind buzzing, with different things.

    Never mind, so slower pace today, thats for sure. x

  •  Hi Ellie,  sorry to hear you had a bad night, its horrible when your mind is in overdrive. I'm afraid most mornings I'm up between 5 & 6 am not by choice, just happens. Hope you can have a relaxing day xx


  • A relaxing day, sewing two buttons on, wrote shopping list, and gas bill came in, and double checked, could it have got anymore relaxing, i think not.


  • Good morning to you all on this grey and cold day. I hope everyone is feeling better and that things are picking up. No been great have developed a pain that feels like a broken rib no idea why just lucky i guess lol. Its seems to have been a long time i have been waiting for scan results but the day has at last arrived. Phone appointment with the oncologist this morning. Hope everyone has a good day what ever plans you have today. xxx

  • Morning Everyone

    At least i had a better nights sleep thank goodness, felt like a zombie yesterday, and i am not one, well think i am not.

    Dry and bright thats me, and the weather, will it last, who knows.

    Jobs to do today, nothing got done yesterday, catch up.

    Hope everyone is good, and your day, is what you want, it to be ,x