
  • 50 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I’m just in need of a little moan. I was enjoying a nice birthday for the first half of the day, then decided to go shopping. I wanted a brand new dog walking jacket! I found it so tiring, and had to cut my trip out short. Too tired to make lunch, so had a bowl of cereal. Now I just feel exhausted and weepy. I don’t want sympathy, as I know others have it far worse. Thanks for being a safe space for me to vent.

  • This is so true I once had an argument with a family member because his texts came across quit abrupt, he didn't mean it that way, he still does it and I ignore it. Anyway Emmadale is calling, have a good evening  xx


  • Ellie on a lighter note, all of this is a  misunderstanding, you know I wouldn't disrespect any of the ill men out there or upset you you on purpose. So let's close the book on this and make up xx


  • Hi Everyone, Jools, in actual fact if I had read your first post about men having it easier than women, I might have posted a similar comment to Ellie's! However because you are all in bed by now, hopefully asleep, I read ALL the posts to the end before posting and now understand what you 'meant' to say and not what you did say and it makes such a difference!

    As you know my husband is in hospital in the Surgical High Dependency Unit and this is the first surgery he has ever had in his entire life. Even without knowing what it feels like, he has supported me since day one of my diagnosis and since then has learned how to use every kitchen appliance, most of which he had no clue how to turn on. I think it's an age thing maybe, he had his jobs and I had mine, others we did together and we were both happy with that. I wonder if you and Tom had a similar arrangement Ellie!!

    Anyway, I'm so pleased I got to read your reply Jools, or I may have offended you. I'm sure no one on here would knowingly offend any one else here, as the support is amazing. Take care all.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Candysmum. We’re all just doing our best aren’t we?

  • You’re spot on there Bev. I’ve read a text from my sister more than once, and have reacted differently each time! Sometimes when I’m tired I just write whatever comes, and that doesn’t always include a sensitive filter. I think it’s so important that we have this safe space to be ourselves. My dad tells me how proud he is of me, and how strong I am. I told him recently that without Macmillan community’s support I wouldn’t be here today. 

  • Same here! I've found this website really really essential! I've never been a social media person, and am not very good with technology. This forum is so easy to use. I've really appreciated reading other people's posts. It helps to get a better understanding of your own illness, but also helps you to feel part of a supportive group, and to feel that you can 'give back' to others by responding to them. I would have been very lonely and isolated without this group.

    Blessings to you all!


  • Hi Jools63

    Sorry I'm a bit late to this thread, if you need a little moan that's fine by me, we all need one sometimes and here is a good place to have a moan. I suffer with fatigue so I no exactly what you mean. When this happens you need to be kind to yourself and take some snuggle time if you need it to recharge your batteries, if you think about it before your cancer diagnosis you over did things sometimes and you had to give yourself time to recover, why should it be any different now.

    I hope you have managed to get out shopping for that new dog walking coat, if you have what design did you buy, was it nice and bright and most importantly does the dog approve of it lol

    Have a great day and please continue to vent on the forum it reminds me we are all normal xx


  • Good morning all, I hope uour all doing as well as uou can. How are uou feeling today Jools. Off out for uour dog jacket. Didn't notice if you posted yesterday or not. Have a good day xx


  • Spot on  . People don't understand at all. Someone's words to me the other day were 'after you got the all clear'. When was this? It's news to me. 

    A x

  • Sorry if my reply doesn't fit the general conversation, I replied before I reached the end. Just needed to vent myself, I think.

    A x