
  • 50 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I’m just in need of a little moan. I was enjoying a nice birthday for the first half of the day, then decided to go shopping. I wanted a brand new dog walking jacket! I found it so tiring, and had to cut my trip out short. Too tired to make lunch, so had a bowl of cereal. Now I just feel exhausted and weepy. I don’t want sympathy, as I know others have it far worse. Thanks for being a safe space for me to vent.

  • Jools please keep posting, I look forward to chatting with you. As said earlier just say what you want. If anything we write is insensitive the Moderators tell ùs and take it down. This hasn't happened so NO worries. Chat soon xx 


  • i told her to keep posting, 

  • Ellie I’m so very sorry. I can see how it must’ve seemed that I was referring to cancer. I meant knowing how to pace ourselves and saying no to taking on too much. The reference to men was meant to say that, in general, men know how to say no and don’t worry about what others think. I pretend I don’t care, but not so deep down I really do. I didn’t mean to cause any problems between you and Moi either. 

  • Moi thank you for coming to defuse a situation that got a bit out of hand. I hate the thought that I’ve caused friction between you and Ellie. I think we can agree that it’s okay for us all to carry on posting here.

  • I hope you all carry on posting on here! I find all of your comments helpful, empathetic and supportive.

    Remember, you are all incredible!

  • Sometimes what we mean to say comes out wrong in a message as to how we would say it face to face. We all have that problem with txts. Everyone can read a txt in the wrong way .my friend does it and then says you no what I mean I didnt mean to put it like that but because she my friend I no how to take her. Dont be upset over anything we all here fighting the same battle and hopefully we will be for a very long time to come. Big hugs to you xx

  • You haven't caused any friction .Anyway I've just had dinner and have ate a couple of pieces of chocolate orange. Chocolate bar mmmm. Im diabetic so a bit naughty. Just going to watch Emmadale, yes I'm a soap freak . Don't  worry we'er all big girls xx


  • Oh Candysmum, we'll all keep posting and I'm glad our posts supportive and empathetic. We've both been in this game for a long time, Ellie longer than me. xx
