
  • 50 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I’m just in need of a little moan. I was enjoying a nice birthday for the first half of the day, then decided to go shopping. I wanted a brand new dog walking jacket! I found it so tiring, and had to cut my trip out short. Too tired to make lunch, so had a bowl of cereal. Now I just feel exhausted and weepy. I don’t want sympathy, as I know others have it far worse. Thanks for being a safe space for me to vent.

  • You made me smile at that comment about getting the all clear. I think those of us on this particular forum know there’s no such thing really. I’m very pleased that I’m being offered another liver resection, but the surgeon seems to think that I’ll skip off into the sunset afterwards! I hope you’re taking care of yourself.

  • Hi  

    That's good news that there's still more they can do. But I'm guessing that your recovery was hard work the first time and that's how you know there's no skipping. I'm feeling ok thanks apart from arm pain, think it's a pinched nerve, long standing problem. Yes I take good care of myself now, learnt the hard way. Came across a good quote.....if you don't take care of your health, your illness will force you to. This is very true of the old me. Best wishes for your surgery.

    A x

  • I understand - coincidentally l have just got back from Wales too! Did too much, meeting up with family and walking our dog. I have been exhausted on my return even though my husband did all the driving. Yesterday l did next to nothing. I have just taken the dirty stuff out of the case. Apart from that it is still packed l have had a better day today, at least l was able to meet a friend for coffee. Takeaway dinner and case still not unpacked Joy I’ll do the washing tomorrow Wink

  • Hi Onk and welcome to the Group. Well when we go on holiday or even a weekend break, I put all (except under ware & socks) in a bag and phone The Wee Steamy! They collect it and deliver it free of charge and when it comes back, itis on individual wire coat hangers all ironed and ready to be hung in wardrobe! It's not that much either. I don't know where in the country you are but most places have a similar service. Then for the first two days when we get back, I recuperate, fantastic!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Onk, I do luv Wales, I always over do it. Mind you I went to an armchair exercise class yesterday afternoon,  you could sit or stand to do it, of course  soft girl stood, so I'm rather stiff this morning, always do to much. xx


  • Sounds like a good idea! I might look in to that! X

  • Hi Wave l know it really winds me up when people say after l got the all clear… lf l’ve got the all clear, why am l still having treatment then? - in fact chemo . I’ve given up trying to explain to certain friends. They can think what they like. I love Spike Milligan’s epitaph -“l told you I was ill” When my dad was desperately ill, he asked me to get the vicar to visit. Afterwards l asked him how it went and he said the vicar asked him how he knew he was going to die. My dad then laughed and said, “Did he think you get it written out in triplicate so you can hand it out to people?”  Then he roared with laughter until the tears ran down his face. He died a week later. I think of him often now. He set me a wonderful example. Xxx

  • Hi there Jools - l’m fairly new on here. I see you posted 7 days ago. I can totally understand your situation. It is so frustrating isn’t it? We all feel exhausted and weepy sometimes. I hope you had an easy day afterwards and felt better. Xxx

  • Hi Jools,

    Fatigue is so annoying. And it can strike when you least expect it. My only advice would be to pace yourself.

    Ie. Look round a shop for 5 mintes, go in cafe for sit down for 20 mins. Go back to shop, or another shop, Repeat.

    Have lots of pit stops,, rather than trying to do everything all at once.

  • Hi No matter what cancer you have, Fatigue seems to come with them all. No matter how long ago your diagnosis, the tiredness creeps in. You just have to go with the flow and when it comes on, rest. Harebelle is right, do so much then rest, that way you don't burn out!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!