
  • 50 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hello everyone 

I’m just in need of a little moan. I was enjoying a nice birthday for the first half of the day, then decided to go shopping. I wanted a brand new dog walking jacket! I found it so tiring, and had to cut my trip out short. Too tired to make lunch, so had a bowl of cereal. Now I just feel exhausted and weepy. I don’t want sympathy, as I know others have it far worse. Thanks for being a safe space for me to vent.

  • You’re absolutely right Bev. If you look okay people assume you are! My boss forgets I have cancer sometimes. She asks me to do extra hours, or shifts. It’s partly my own fault for pushing myself toFlushedhard. I often learn the hard way.Flushed

  • Yes Jools I do agree. My husband is very good at making life easier for me, but if he sneezes god its ful blown fly ha ha we do laugh about this. We have house, kids, shopping  cooking god I get tyred just thinking about it as Ray has taken over the heavy jobs. xx


  • Hi why do you think, it is harder for women,  surely in this exception has to be equal, for both.

  • Oh Bev the neighbour can sort the grass. I agree sometimes on bad days I could just tell people what to do with themselves,  but on the whole I'm just ignoring them. I'm fine had a 12 week break from Treatment  which ends on 9th back on the horse again. Its been lovely  to be normal again for a while, hope my next scan thinks so and doesn't have any spreads. I've a spring in my step at the moment.  Sending hugs and good vibes xx


  • I didn’t mean to be offensive. I think in general,  men know when to say no, and aren’t as wore about what people might think of them.

  • Your not offensive Jools, not all spouses male or female are supportive and it is a  generally thought that SOME men think there dying when they bang there toe. Take a look at BranstonPickle on Lovely Morning 16 post ha ha. Good job he can take a joke, he get plenty of sympathy poor thing, last time I looked broken wrist, sore back etc. Still luv hin xx


  • Some men are dying slowly, and this could have offended them

  • Sorry Ellie. This wasn’t about dying. I didn’t think I’d said anything that could have been taken quite so badly. I won’t post on this forum if I run the risk of upsetting anyone. 

  • Do not worry, perhaps your comment, was not clear enough, i read harder for women than men, and thought it was regarding cancer.

    We are  all adults, and i am sure you will not upset anyone.  carry on posting, the forum is for everyone, 

  • I left work as soon as I got my diagnosis x