Just diagnosed

  • 29 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Good morning all,

I am a newbie here. Just diagnosed with terminal cancer and about 8 months to live. No terrible symptoms yet. 67 year old bloke living in London.

Just wanted to say Hi,



  • Read their profile, Donna, they have now done one, i now understand their descion, which takes courage i think. Though each to their own, hope i  have it when needed  

    Sun now out after a lot of rain lol

  • Hello Donna,

    Thank you for your kind words. I will explore chemo but I am more concerned about buying a bucket and filling it just now.

    I do try and be kind to people. It is more important now than ever.

    Do you have a bucket or a list?

    I have a lot of other health problems so travel, which is my passion, is not realistic. Apart from that I try to keep busy.

    You seem to have done remarkably well and I am sure you are an example to us all.

    Blessings, Kevin

  • Hi Kevin, I just wanted to say welcome to the Group. Also I thought I'd let you know, no one says "terminal" nowadays because they are coming up with new drugs on a regular basis for all types of cancer. The word we would rather use is "incurable". Even the oncologists can't say for sure how long anyone has to live and there are quite a few of us here, passed our sell by date.

    When I got my diagnosis, top of my bucket list was seeing the Bulb fields. I have mobility issues too and my oncologist advised against flying. Several months later, my husband and I took the train to Newcastle then the ferry to Amsterdam. When we booked tickets for the bulb fields, I also booked one of the electric buggies they have on sight. It was magical. I was sorry to read you have no family because that must make it extra difficult.

    Please give us the chance here to be your extended family. We won't let you down.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • That sounds great Annette. As a solo traveller who does not drive my mobility does prevent a few options but I am working on it.

    As for the terminology I am not sure it makes a great deal of difference what I call it. It won't add any days to my life but thank you anyway.



  • Hi Kevin, i'm glad you found us..so it may helps you not to feel alone and lost. Here you/we can rant, laugh , scream and whatever you want. There will always be someone on here. Hugs Pet

  • Hi Kevin. Get those little holidays booked  im a solo traveller and have been on few 5 day coach holidays as I don't drive .I'm goin to Scotland in Sept on solo. I'm past My sell by date I just try to keep as positive as I can and do the things  I want to do while I still can. I try not to focus on the bad side of this awful thing we have got. Take care xx

  • You sound so at peace with your prognosis Kevin. I admire that. Have you got support from friends? You sound so positive 

    love Jac x

  • My Dear Bev,

    Your comments are some of the best I have had so far. I too am fifgtened on the inside but what can I do? I do not have any secret formula for combatting fear. I am of course terrified.

    I admire you enormously for the solo trips. It is difficult because I cannot walk well at all and am still recovering from amputated toes.

    I am well past my sell by date too. I am putting together a bucket list but first I need a bucket.

    Let me know about any more travels please.


  • Hello Jac,

    I have one pal and we joke about what will happen to my beloved bean to cup machine until we are in stitches. 

    You comments are most welcome and of course like all of us I am terrified but what can I do?

    I do hope you are doing OK


  • Hi Kevin 

    So sorry that you find yourself here but I'm giving you a very warm welcome and hope that you find friendship and support from this group. 

    You sound very accepting of your situation, which takes real strength and courage.

    Sending hugs  

