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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • Hi BM Iam so sorry to read your post. Iam afraid i have no words of any use,    other than to say i will be thinking of you and wish you good luck with your appointment tomorrow. Sending you a big hug and love. Tricia. xxx

  • Afternoon everyone i hope your day is going well. Ellie i hope you are sitting relaxing with your feet up. Moi i like to watch the tennis too. Are you watching the Liam Brodie match? Love to all. Tricia. xxxx

  • Hi Tricia

    Hope you ok, yes i am siting, though feet not up,

    Doing a few e mails,


    , Tricia have you seen Ruby, not seen her about, perhaps, she decided to leave?

    Enjoy rest of your day, x

  • Good luck with your results tomorrow.  I was given 6 months without treatment even though I'd already gone 8 months and 12 months with treatment. I've past that aswell. I no how you are feeling waiting g for results . Like my oncologist sed they go by stastics that's why I was given my diagnosis.  But I've beat it and fingers crossed Fingers crossed you will get good news from your results and you will beat it to. I always take my son then I no I can't forget anything I've been told and if I need to ask anything.  Like others have said write things down you want to ask. We can't change what's happening but we sure can make memories while we still here .take care big hugs xx

  • Hi Ellie good to hear you are at least sitting down. I have never heard anything from Ruby I hope she is ok. You maybe right that she decided to leave the group.Its difficult when people seem to just disappear .Love Tricia. xxx

  • Hi BM, I was given 6 to 24 month's but still here, the girl's or as I like to call them my fan club have given you very good advice, 2 things to think about, 1 how long we will live is just gess work, oncologist will do their best for you, so never give up there is always a silver lining, just enjoy life and family, biggest hugs.Ulls 

  • LOL LOL Fan Club, heard it all now, Dreaming I am Always Dreaming lol.

  • As your a founding member of the fan club, don't pretend you don't know.

    Any way I was rather hoping it would make BM smile or even laugh, did you smile Ellie?

  • Of course i smiled, thinking, i hope he does not think, all your fans, will be  throwing things at you, like they did for Tom Jones lol lol