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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • Good morning all

    How are you all? Today I’ve got a gym session at the hospice with lovely Sally my physiotherapist. Will be fun

    love Jac 

  • Everything looks relatively tidy on the outside. It's when I open drawers and cupboards...there is so much to sort out that I just close them and think I'll do it some other time. Hours can be wasted and outside beckons me.

    Oh, I'm wittering on instead of getting dressed and getting on with it. bye bye xx

  • You enjoy, i will pass on that one, xxx

  • Oh Judy,  that sounds, like you are describing my body.

    My cupboards and draws are like that, going to leave some thing for my kids to do, when needed,,not making it, that easy for them, xxxx

  • What a day its overcast here, but very warm. daily jobs done also did my Mr. Motivator 15 mins workout. music on and shacking the body about for another 15 mins. As for my draws there   not to bad lol. I used to have snooker on my ex mother in law loved it, only time she was'nt moaning,  so don't watch it that often. xx


  • do I feel some mother in law jokes coming on! X


  • Hello Everyone! I hope you have had a good day today. My days been good so far, nearly pick up time for the kids. I was wondering if you lovely peeps could advise me? I have my meeting with the consultant and macmillan nurse tomorrow. I dont know what questions to ask if the results are bad or good. Can you tell me what you folks asked? I always feel rushed and never ask the right questions. My diagnosis, stage 4 ovarian cancer, spread to the liver. They dont think surgery is viable. Stable on my last scan with carboplatin. Ive been give 12 to 24months x

  • Here's hoping that you remain stable BM.

    Whether good or bad news I always ask what their future plans are for you.

    They usually have your current plan plus plan A and B if it becomes necessary.

    Ignore your prognosis, just an informed guess, usually proved wring!

  • Hi,I always know, if results are not good, i want to know, the next step, and have always been told,

      yes waiting for results, is hard, though others, write down, what they may may wish to ask.

    You should, not filled rush, you are the patient, and if it was not for us, they would, not have a job.

    I was angry last year over some thing, and told, my oncologist and she was, and my scans, where sent to another hospital,

    I have been incurable, since day one, and still here, to tell the tale, Please update us tomorrow,

    Onwards and Upwards, xxx

  • Hello, I usually make a list of what I want to know. Just take your time as others have said they usually have a plan b or c also they just don't know how long these new drugs give us, so walk in there with your list and take someone with uou cos if uou miss anything said they can fill in any gaps, sometimes my mind goes a bit blank in there. Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you get on xx
