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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • You could be my toy boy, now that made you smile lol  

  • Hello

    feeling A bit down and don’t know why. Probably the meds. Have had 2 weeks off and am now back on them. Been a bit snappy with hubby and friend and now feel rotten about it. I think the situation with M has hit me quite hard, just wasn’t expecting it as he’s or you M if you’re reading this was always so positive. Also Ruby, I’m wondering if she’s back in hospital. Everyone feels like a friend even though virtual, we are here for each other. Sorry to be a moany Joany! 
    Tomorrow I am helping on my friends school trip to Hyde Hall. So that’s something lovely to look forward to. 
    Love Jac x

  • Your not alone, t times every one gets down.

    I to have been like it, regarding ,Morton,i will say Morton and i e mailed every day for the last year, nearly, i cannot say anymore.

    Enjoy your day out tomorrow chin up, xxx.

  • Considering the age of most of my fan's if the through Tom Jones at me I'd be hospitalised 

  • Jac sorry your feeling down sending you a great big hug. xxx

  • Thank you Tricia, that means a lot.

    Jac x

  • Thank you Ellie, yes it’s inevitable that we’ll have down days but I don’t want to bring others down with me. You knew how bad it was with M then Ellie? I did wonder as he’d talked about the levels being really high. Oh dear it’s just so sad, sorry, I need to shake myself out of this doom and gloom I know that M would not want us feeling sad and down. I need to watch something to make me laugh I think. I’ve watched an episode of Afterlife yesterday, it has Ricky Gervais in and was very funny. Though his wife has died of cancer so that bit is not so much fun. X

  • No i never really knew, even the day he went to gp, he e mailed and i replied, and i knew he was at hospital next day, Though nothing back, till i got an e mail on the Friday before he posted on the forum.

    I cannot say any more, though some thing in my e mail i cannot get out my head, its hard.

    ,You are quiet new shadders, though being here a while, i have been in this situation before, though never been close by e mail, Some times  Morton e mailed 3 times. i knew so much about him, that  perhaps others may not have.

    A lovely person inside and  out, i hope he sees this just so he knows,he was part of this crazy gang in a big way. xxx


  • I hope he knows how much we miss him and are thinking of him. Yes he did seem like a lovely guy . X

  • He knows, i e mail him every day, telling him what everyone is up to, hope some one reads it to him, i told him i would xxxx