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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • Ooh! I can just visualise the harvest Yum what a great thing to do…run an allotment. We don’t have them by me. 

    Judy x

  • This situation, occurs, with lots of couples, you just have to  get on and do it,

    Been there got the Tee Shirt 

  • Hi TVman, I've played snooker since I was 16 played a game Not a full game against Joe Davies he was giving an exhibition at local Snooker hall, Think it was £3.00 per ticket, He was telling me how to take shots, then some one else had a go. Got pretty good at it but work commitments the family cane first.

  • Hi Judy, nothing beats the taste of super fresh vegetables. In a couple of hours I'll be up in my plot digging potatoes. They'll get washed and then I'll steam them for around 35 minutes and they'll taste so fresh. We would always steam them if dug freshly so we'll have steamed potatoes until some time in September. 

    What veg and fruit did you manage to take home?

    Take care Judy

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Well after a terrible night, weather wise, what a lovely day, it has turned out to be.

    Happy my water butt, is full and four watering cans.

    Funny want can make you happy, the simples, things of life, 

  • I think is funny how people like water Falls but not when it falls from the sky. Nice to see your but is full Ellie.

  • Now that made me laugh, really did, x

  • Hope you was referring to the water butt lol

  • Of course it was the water but, I don't know how big your but is so don't know if its full or not, anyway Id never cast aspersion on a lady, who me never honest.

  • Tvman, my mouth is watering Drooling face I haven’t got my own veg patch. I love all veg and fruit. Mine come from Tesco Rolling eyes 

    happy digging Tvman.  
    Judy x