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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • It wasn’t the GP he couldn’t get past the receptions! Will try again when my son comes home. 

  • Well we have just had a shower, and that's all it was.

    No one would have won the wet tee shirt competion, that's for sure, 6 spots of rain on mine, wash out, xxx

  • Good morning to everyone. I hope you have had a good night. Its a sunny day here this morning not sure if it will last. My itinery for today consists of an appointment at the opticians at 10 am. as i need new glasses. Lunch with the kids and dinner with my grandaughter so its a full day today. Have a great day whatever your plans. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Good morning to you too Michael you are in my thoughts.  Sending lots of love to you. Tricia. xxxx

  • Hi Ulls, just popped in this morning. I love snooker and pool and I used to be Northern Ireland pool team captain. I was considering moving to England at one time many years ago (40 actually!) to try to get into the professional ranks but in those days you were only considered for being a professional if you won the world amateur snooker title. I wasn't long married, I was training to be a TV engineer so it was a lot to lose. 

    Last year I bought tickets for me and my brother in law to attend the last 2 sessions of the final. We watched some fantastic snooker and for Luca Brecel to beat my hero Mark Selby was amazing even though Mark lost.


    Love life and family.
  • Morning Tricia

    You have a lovely day, with your family,


    Rained really heavy during the night, going to check water butt,D


    love your sweet short replies, say what you have to, and that's it,

    My daughter is over later, so a catch up, nothing else planned, thank goodness.

    Sun just coming out, though quiet cool.

    Enjoy your day,


  • Thinking of you Morton,   xxxx

  • Good morning all, Tv nice to see you here again. Hope things are settling down a bit for you and your lovely wife. 
    I did have a lovely morning at the allotment, we watered everything, then it rained all night! Brought home lots of delicious fruit and veg, never had such sweet gooseberries and raspberries were delicious too. Lovely dinner with all the veg. 
    Ellie you made me laugh with your hairdresser comment! Hope she doesn’t charge by the minute! 

    Tricia what a lovely day seeing family, have a good time. 
    Morton you are in all our thoughts everyday, hope the hospice is treating you well and your getting cake in there. 
    Quiet day today, housework and gardening 

    love Jac x

  • Good morning Tricia, reporting in! 
    had a lovely time yesterday with work friends over coffee. There was 6 of us and 5 had a cancer story to share Unamused but we had a laugh too. 
    up to now only a food shop to do (on my rubbish 5th day) so hopefully I can come back home and chill. 
    love to all…have a good day xxxx

    love you Michael xxxx


  • Good morning Tricia and Ellie, good to see familiar names still here. Doctor's appointment at 10 for me and this afternoon to take my wife to hospital in Belfast for her radiotherapy.. I'm so tired these days. I have so many appointments and my wife every weekday for radiotherapy

     I didn't think it would take so much out of me but she needs me. 

    Take care everyone 

    Love life and family.