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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • Good morning!

    Today I’m volunteering at my local community allotment. 

    what are you all up to today? I can’t be the first one up! 
    love Jac x

  • Yesterday I walked a lot and finished the day with a walk and dinner in a pub. I also ate lots of cake as ithought of Morton ( I can’t think of you as Michael sorry Morton) 

    Love Jac x

  • I am up, though reversed my routine and had shower before i started on my tea.

    good for you, volunteering, keeps you fit, i will hold your jacket.

    hairdresser coming today, we chat for an hour, then takes, her ten minuets to cut my hair,

    Enjoy the fresh air, xx.,

  • Cake, what is this group coming to, Morton has a lot to answer for, corrupting you all, lol  xxx

  • Morning Jac x yes, first thing I think of Micheal/ M. 
    have a lovely day at the allotment. I had a good day working out at my exercise class.  Today I’m meeting work friends who I haven’t seen since last year when I retired. So looking forward to seeing them and eating cake Cake Yum And catching up on the gossip! 

    Judy xx

  • Sorry to hear of your trials Ulls. MrJ was refused and appointed to discuss his medication for pains in his legs. Was told the GP was too busy!!! 
    You’re sounds complicated at the moment!


  • You’re life!!

  • Good morning to everyone. Like you all Mr M is in my thoughts . Ellie you cant beat tea and cakes with special people although my waist line has increased considerably. lol Have a good day catching up with your work friends. Jac hope you have as nice a day as you did yesterday only with cake too. lol. Welcome back Ulls you have been missed. Ihope you get your pain medication sorted out. Love to all Tricia. xxxx

  • Good Afternoon Tricia

    Well hair cut day for me, chat for an hour, and ten mins to cut it, fills better.

    Then went in garden, to dead head roses, and sweep leaves up, weed killer down, and just sprinkled. weed and feed down,, bought one, then went in shed found four new boxes, better use them.

    Whether i did it right who knows, its down anyway, lol and i now have one empty box, Hope your day, has been what you wanted.

    Its dark here, want some rain, to fill my water butt, i am easily pleased, like it when full, saves my water meter lol. xxxxx

  • That's appalling for a GP to say, we have a system up here all the GPs in the city come under the GP Alliance , then each GP run's their practice (ours has 4 different surgeries) under Alliance rule's, before you can get medical attention you have to fill in a form on-line or over the phone, then you will get a phone call normally same day, from there you will be given an appointment with an appropriate health professional depending on how urgent the problems is.