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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • awww hope it will get better soon, just be lazy and relax 

  • Ha Ha Ive never had them either, only childrens illness was hooping cough. I did mean to say chicken pox. Think I'll call it brain fog lol

  • Hi Elle was just thinking about Ulls and Morton any news from then. next time you contact them please tell them I send  Hugs and I'm thinking of them. Take care of your self Ellie, lots of rest, sending hugs xx


  • Hi, i have e mailed Morton for the last two weeks,, i told him i would, nothing back at all, i am afraid,though i always say, what every one has been up to. and every one, is asking after him. Though some one else is doing for next few days, to give me a rest,

    Heard from Ulls yesterday, in isolation, till they find out where this bug is, hopefully he could be out soon, on tablet antibiotics now, xxx

  • Has  any one seen Tricia, not seen her about for a few days now, hope she is ok, xxx

  • The day has come, what are they going to say.

    Incurable, and it might not go away,

    Though we will treat it and do our best, but hold on tight,and give it your all.

    The day , was not the best i had ever had, i am not giving up now i will hold, on tight and  give it my all, have no choice, unless i take the


    So the journey starts, and  you do not know what is in store, and it is funny how you go along, you learn more and more

    Some good and some bad, it is an experience, i never thought, i would ever have, every one must fill like that, at some point, and say why me, but it is, what it is, and i can not change it, so the thing to do, is embrace it, take the good with the bad, and  be a warrior and fight all the way threw.

    I have had many ups and downs, and at times, i fill i am now on the ground, that is not where you want to be, so up you get and stand tall, and say F you Cancer, you have met your match, keep throwing it at me, and i will throw it straight back

    .For a warrior we all are, the strongest will win, though it is a hard fight, and  you know what, do not give in. xxxx

    You can tell i am bored, doing nothing xxx

  • Ellie you have taken the words out of my mouth. Thank you xxxxx


  • Well you’ve done something, that has given me some get up and go. Describes us all. Brilliant.

  • Oh Ellie your a true worrior. When you put into words how we all feel. Your not doing nothing your inspiring us all. Go girl xxx


  • lol you know what, it just all comes in my head from no where,and i have to put pen to paper, you might be sorrow, i could do so many more lol might be better cutting grass lolm