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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • Good morning all. Today is windy and overcast here. Just had egg on toast and coffee, very nice. Hi Jac sounds good cake and festival, have a lovely day, and I hope the weather behaves for you. XX


  • Good day Pet, frost! We are wind and rain is forecast, what's new its Britain  lol. Yes shingles is rubbish my sisters was left side horrible. I shouldn't say this could be temping  fate, I've never had measles so shouldn't get shingles  ?. Wray up, I take it its winter in Australia,  have a good day xx


  • Aw Pet good evening to you,  -1 in your part of Australia, that's not pleasant at all. I'd say most of us will be surprised at that. No sitting round the pool today then. Did you have to put the central heating on, assuming you have any? 

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Pet, i am still breathing, that helps, i am fit for nothing, but keep taing the tablets.

    Did not realise the Fatigue one got as well lol,

    Hope your good, and lovely to here from you.

  • Oh alright, no knitting needles out, i am ok Moi, hope you are good.

    Just going to have my breakie, would have stayed in bed, but had to get up to make a cuppa, xxxx

  • LOL Moi It is nothing to do with measles,

    If you when younger you   have ever had chicken pox, that virus lives in your body and as one gets older, and  can resurface,as shingle's, if you have a low, immune system.

    There is a vaccine against it, it was offered it, though at time, i was on chemo, and could not have it.

    Though when this has gone Doctor said i can have the vaccine. 

  • My sympathies to you Ellie, l have never had shingles, just chicken pox and then my GP came out to our house on a Sunday morning (remember those days everyone?) and warned me not to go to work for the following week because the chicken pox virus would multiply in my brain. That was the only week's sickness I had in 35 years. Apart from elbow and wrist operations and a heart attack. 

    My brother had shingles a year ago, he's 70 now. He said that he felt like all the energy had been sucked out of his body and he felt so nauseous. It's a terrible illness that strikes us when we're n our later years, as if cancer isn't enough!

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • It can cause, loads of problems, must start anti viral meds as soon as possible.

    Fatigue, even a cup is to heavy.

     which was me yesterday

    Every one should make enquires as you get older,to get the vaccine,.

  • Thanks for that Ellie, very good advice

    Tvman x 

    Love life and family.
  • Hi  , no central heating here, just gas log fire , but the days has been nice 13 degrees..not bad for winter lol