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Lovely Morning -Chit - Chat Thread - no 14

  • 784 replies
  • 48 subscribers

A new thread other getting full lol (continued from thread no 13)

Talk about what ever you wish to, within reason,

What your up to today, what you may be doing, having bloods done, or scan day, or results,

Though if you have a special topic, please start anew thread,

This is for daily everyday life, we talk about this and that, and yes rubbish,and   nonsense at times, me included.

That is some times what daily life is like, 

  • GOOD morning Morton you are always in our thoughts  Love and hugs Tricia. xxxx

  • Hi Jac enjoy your kiddy day. Waiting for Andy to finish his game off, so think Southport will be a drive out for dinner. xx


  • So do I, but spiders and I'm gone lol xx


  • Morning Tricia yes bungee jumping is not for us lot. have a good day xx


  • Do you! So it’s not just me Grin I can’t bear to see them struggling to reach the grass. And yes, anything bigger than a monty spider Spider️ I freak out Scream 

    love to M…always in my thoughts M xxxx

  • What a topi, i know, plenty of worms, though they have two legs, lol

  • Waiting for Andy to finish his match from last night. I have put most of my winter clothes away in my vac packs and got the rest of my summer clothes out so wardrobe is nice and tidy. How did your shopping go, uou home now xx


  • Yes good, shops where empty, lovely.

    Still siting with my our door clothes on and my diamonds lol when i take them of, i am happy.

    Shopping away and down three e mails, Happy Days,

    Hot here Alax says 27,   xxxx

  • My Spelling is terrible, get these eyes sorted, be no stopping me, x

  • Hello Lovlies, 

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Recieved my results from my scan. My doctor is so lovely. He asks about everyone in my family as if to ease me into my results Slight smile. Everything is stable so he has decided to put me onto a maintenance chemo drug called Nitaparib. I am so glad. The other option was to leave me alone for 3 months and then do another scan. Which i honestly think is cruel it doesnt take long for cancer to grow or spread..The pros outway the cons of this medication. Im really greatful that they are giving me it. Honestly a weight has lifted off my mind. I know religion is a touchy subject here. But i thank God for these amazing people who look after us. Hopefully i can enjoy this summer holidays with my children without too many side affects. Peeps dont stay up too late watching the tennis xx