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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Good morning everyone 

    Glad you sept well Ellie, what was the film? My husband loves films and I like to watch them too. I have a few favourites that I could watch again and again. Glad to see you’re ok Moi. 
    I went to a Bowie Extravaganza last night at the local theatre. I was sceptical but It was surprisingly good with everyone up and dancing by the end. The front man said from the beginning that he wasn’t trying to impersonate David Bowie but he did well, had a good voice and had several clothes ch ch ch changes to reflect his various incarnations. All the musicians were excellent. When Heroes came on I couldn’t stop thinking of Morton. We all had a good sing song and boogie. Great night with good friends x

  • Morning Moi glad to hear you’re feeling peaceful that can only be a good sign. 

    Ellie what film were you watching! 3 hours, blimey my eyes would have dropped off before the end. 

    i’ve had brekkie, honey! Weetabix, banana, strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, nuts, dates, prunes, granola and an orange  Grin

    Off to church now to say a prayer for all my lovely friends on here!! And a special one for Michael Pray tone2

    see you all later 

    love Judy xxxxx

  • Sounds a great night, some of these tribute bands are great. I went to a beegees tribute show a few years ago it was great everyone singing and up dancing. Have a good day lovely xx


  • Good morning  Judy seems like you have your 5 away in one go lol. I think is when my eyes start to drop. If I fall asleep on the chair I bounce of the walls when woke for bed lol. Enjoy your service xx


  • Glad you had a good time, that is what it is all about, Puts you in a good frame of mind..

    It was The Green Mile, i watch i  it   every time, could have recorded it, no another 10mins and so on. 


  • Morning that was not breakfast, that was a Banquet, lol

    Make sure him up there listens.  xxxxxx

  • I meant to say sing song and boogie in M’s honour. Thinking of you Morton, much love even though I don’t know you in real life, I know you’re a goodun x

  • Oh Him upstairs does! Had a wonderful time singing my heart out, my voice being drowned by the other good voices Grin mentioned all my dear pals on the forum to Him. 
    I have the banquet every morning..they tell me it’s good for me! 
    now going to eat my first attempt at cooking what my personal chef taught me. 
    causcous, aubergine, courgette, onion, garlic, raw ginger, red pepper, dates, spinach. And all the spices he threw in!! Having this with a marinaded lamb steak. MrJ just has chips with his Rolling eyes 

    Love crazy Judy xxxx

  • Sounds nice I find couscous needs a lot of flavour added and it's certainly getting that. I can't do spinach makes me go the loo a lot. Sorry but it's true. Do you just chuck it all in the pan, anyway sounds good. Enjoy your dinner.  xx


  • Oh gosh I had to write it all down as I watched. My chemo brain doesn’t remember much. 
    the onions are caramelised in extra virgin olive oil then garlic cloves are cut up and added. 
    Chop up all the other ingredients and add to pan. 
    I cooked the couscous in the water the spinach was cooked in plus a stock cube. Yes, then mix everything together. 
    I need spinach for my glaucoma. 
    Judy xxx