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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • What , i would rather spend the day cleaning lol.

    I have  jersey new potatoes, spring greens, carrots, and steak, with a spice,i like Mr J xx

  • Sounds delicious Ellie. Think we need to bounce ideas of on here! I get stumped of what to eat Thinking as I don’t have an appetite anymore xxx


  • You can  have of mine, i hate cooking for one, though always cook from scratch,  no ready meals as such only ready meal, is when i have done it, and on table, lol

  • Today is steak, roast potatoes,  sprouts and runner beens gravy. Ray has begged for toasties, got to keep him happy he doesn't ask for much. xx


  • I love all veg, but not butter beans, was made to eat as a kid, hated them,xx

  • I'm not a lover of cooking either but stay clear of processed foods as much as I can. I like your ready made meals though Joy


  • Well tomorrow, my daughter, goes for her pre assessment for second part, of her operation,

    She cannot wait, though i really do not want her to have it, but for her it is the end of the nightmare.

    She was so ill, with the mastectomy, and then sepsis,.,but being mum, i will support her, as i always do,

    Life is not easy, they say, him up there, only, gives you what you, can cope with.

    For my own point, i think he has given me enough,, always some thing, happy days, xxxx

  • Sounds lovely Moi. MrJ and me more than often have different preferences... it's like cooking for kids sometimes. I remember having to cook different things for the boys when they were small! xxx


  • I know where you're comng from Ellie, i really do. Although my faith is strong I still have so many questions and can say, life is not fair. But faith gives me a hope of better things to come and one day I will understand the reasons;I and all of us have to go through so much heartache and trauma. Oh it's not easy and I have days of ranting and raving at Him. But I can never stop believing He cares and loves us. Strange how faith works.

    Will be thinking of you and your daughter tomorrow and she is blessed to have a strong mum to support her. Sending love n hugs xxxxx


  • I thank you for the comment, and i am glad you have a strong faith.

    If you ever get the answer that would be lovely.

    I really cannot answer, or put what i want to say, though, i am pleased you have your believes.

    Any way religion, politics and sex are three subjects not spoken about here, i could talk a lot about one, but i will not lol.

    Though i do appreciate  your lovely comment Judy, it came from your heart, xxxx