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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Hi Moi, yes the heat does affect he glucose levels, but after 42 years of type 1 she's right on top of it, she tried a Libra freestyle when they first came out but had a reaction to the glue it was held on with, she still takes her bloods several times a day and adjust insulin and food intake accordingly.

  • Thanks Ulls, I've actually turned the alarm off and put it on just at night. Taking readings regularly at day time. Managing to stay in rang most of the day its the nights it goes hey wire. xx


  • Yes she quite often has hypos during the night, she wakes up because her heart beats faster, jumping out of her chests, has to drink lucozade, to keep her going untill the morning.

  • Well had dinner, a shower then shopping, this morning was not all sitting, I got rid of a camellia, as I hadn't flowered for 2 years, took 2 softwood cuttings of a rose bush, to replace it. 

  • My dad grew roses and mixed them they where lovely. You reminded me of him, taking uour cuttings xx


  • The rose I took the cuttings of was a present for our 40 wedding anniversary.

  • Thats a lovely anniversary present cos it just keep growing and lasts for years Blush xx


  • Well tom took cutting from a rose, called Irish hope, took three, and they have turned out lovely this year, pleased,They smell lovely a cream colour, xx

  • Hi Moi and Ellie, this rose is a ruby red alway lots of flower's, just dead headed it so only 3blooms at the moment but lots of buds, shopping done ice lollies brought ho nearly forgot 2packs of 8 lucozade for £5.00, back on terrace catching the ray's.

  • I have just come in, getting to warm starting reading a new book,, i have washed two floors, cleaned my hoover, and washing machine draw, and painted my nails, exciting day, x