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Lovely Morning - Chit- Chat - Thread - No 13

  • 894 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Continues from thread no 12

Chit Chat about any thing and every thing.

Scans, Bloods, how your day has been,  rubbish anything that is on your mind, with in reason.

Daily lifewe like a laugh, and ct silly at times, though it helps us get threw the day,

Though if you have a special topic, please start another thread, on that subject,

  • Morning Ellie you are indeed up early lol. Sorry you didnt have a very good night i was a bit like that too. Maybe the humid nights are affecting lots of people. Just started my second cuppa and looking forward to a day of washing and more washing lol. the joys of going away. Have a great wednesday.  Love Tricia. xxx

  • well just spilt a glass of water over my lap top, seems ok, but who is to say.

    I had hospital this morning, 3 monthly check up, still stable, and after a year, and an extra 6 scans, both hospitals are sure the fracturs are osteoporosis , they said if it had had been cancer, that caused the fractures, i would have now been a lot worse, though the fractures, never lined up, that is why i struggle, hey ho.

    Though got chatting to a gentleman, and after 75mins he got called in, newly diagnosed, same doctor, then found out lives ten minuets away from me, and asked my son for my phone, number, so he could phone, if he wanted to ask anything,.

    If i had been at hospital  on my own and come home and said i had given some one my number, well the air would be blue,xxx

  • Oh Ellie you’re a hoot Joy…you do manage to pick them up don’t you. And why not! If you can help him that’s lovely. 
    well! It’s a good positive message Blushapart from the soaked laptop. The same happened to me. Ritchie managed to cover mine with a nutrient fruit juice. It was so sticky but amazingly there was no damage! 
    Enjoy your week now basking in the good news. 

    love Judy xxxx

  • Hi Ellie your post has just reached me think i definately need a new laptop !!! Thats great news that you are stable and that it is not in your bones although sorry that they think you have osteoporosis.On the pull at a hospital appointment will i be needing to buy a new hat for the wedding.Joy Love Tricia. xxx

  • Never say Never lol. can you imange nt for me, live in sin, Some thing different.

    Yes been a good day, xxxx

  • LOL I do not pick hem up, what are you saying, always talk to me first, he did say, i made his day, told him to join Macmillan on line community, will see, i know his name lol xxxx

  • Hi my Lady Ellie, good we could do with a few more men on here, 

  • lol i  know  variet spice of life, xx

  • Dear Ellie so pleased your stable mable  yeses ClapClapClap and you still have IT, Richie , uou go girl xxx


  • You are so friendly people are drawn to you. He’s in for  a surprise if/when he joins usWink 

    Meant to say, sorry about the bones still being painful. 
    Is it a wine Wine glass evening in the sun Sunny️ xxx
