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Lovely morning - daily chit chat Thread - no 11

  • 896 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Morning, new thread, other, has had a few replies.

Normal chit chat, talk about every day life, what you are doing for the day, bloods, scans app, though if a special topic, please start another thread..

Enjoy every day the best you can,

  • Yay! Go Ellie! Well done on your idea is being actioned. Confetti ballTada

  • Having bits of paper proves you good a something having common scence proves you are good at lots of things 

  • Piffle and poppycock.

  • And I'm multi lingual, speaking English, London English and Sussex English.

    Can't get to grips with Essex English, not straightforward at all. It's all about fake tan,  shoes and make up, and that's just the blokes.

  • Right goodnight. I am a poor friendless soul, probably well deserving of that.

  • Well Good Morning

    Sun is out again, and hopefully will stay like that.

    Had a real busy day yesterday, and phone calls, of five. Then son came in, and yes we chat and chat and he nicks this and nicks that, all food,

    Just up, kettle on, doors opened, tv, to see what has gone on, over night, do not know why i bother, more for company i recon.

    Late going to bed, and took ages to go to dream land, though i did, and well, did dream, was lovely.

    All have a lovely day, xxxxx


  • Good Morning my Lady Ellie is good to see you so chipper first thing on a Sunday morning, it's Gray, Wet, and Chilly here.

    Had a good night last night sort of spouse very upset as she lost a bracelet I'd bought her, told her it's only metel and I'll replace it, singer was good so was the company.

  • Morning Ellie. Oh weather miserable here rain again. Can't wait to open my doors .hope you have a lovely day . I mite take meself the Bingo x

  • Morning Mr Ulls, i  am always chirpy,well i try to be.


    Yesterday was gorgeous , was in garden all day, digging, pulling and picking up, Same today going to cut the grass.

    Though still in pj, one more cup tea, shower, then it is ready steady go.

    Shopping day coming i see, in fact i have a bracket laying here that is broke, my son and DIL bought it, he is going to get it mended for me, Glad you had a good night, xxxx

  • Morning Bev, i  always try and have a good day, i am happy with my own company, that sounds sad, lol i am not,

    Bingo you go girl, xxx