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Lovely morning - daily chit chat Thread - no 11

  • 896 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Morning, new thread, other, has had a few replies.

Normal chit chat, talk about every day life, what you are doing for the day, bloods, scans app, though if a special topic, please start another thread..

Enjoy every day the best you can,

  • Yes it was for y appointment, last time i could have a drink lol well i went to bed, about 11,30, i do not need beauty sleep, if i look if mirror, i always say, not bad lol.

    Ulls, you do not need beauty sleep, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, xxx

  • Well just had  phone call from British Gas, regarding a complaint i put in, and they would like that my idea is passed to there team, to be looked at, they where impressed, go,d what is my world coming to, x

  • First class Ellie, you will have to let me in on your idea.

  • Will cost you lol commission and all that, i was taken a back, did not realist i had it in me, no O levels here, 

  • Though Common  seance, goes a long way these days, out weighs O levels, x

  • Only if you haven't got any.,I detect a smidgen of jealousy. 

  • On your bike never been jealousy in my life, i had an idea, and clever people did not come up with it, so phrase, pipe, smoke , comes to mind.

  • Hello Pet, I was thrown at first re you mentioning coffee in the morning. However, I now remember you live in lovely Australia! I first visited there back in 1998 (mainly Cairns and Sydney) and then again in 2005 - mainly Sydney but also went to Tasmania). My sister has lived in Sydney on and off, since 1997 but finally emigrated there, with her family, in 2015. Last but not least, I hope your latest scan results go well. xxxxxxxx

  • Hello Jac, I hope by the time you read this, you’ve had a wonderful time. You can’t beat a good walk/ramble and Helen Rollason was an amazing person, gone far far too soon. Enjoy the ballet too - it IS exciting! Xxxxxxxxx

  • Afternoon! I bet Ollie enjoyed his walk and you did too Heart️. I am so pleased you are feeling well after the chemo and didn’t need sickness tablets. I hope the skip has arrived and all is going well with the tidying up xxxxxxxxx.