Living with incurable diagnosis

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Just discovered no cure.  About to begin chemo

Feeling really scared

  •   like everybody before I'm sorry to meet you here but if it gives any hope I am nearly 12 years living with incurable kidney cancer and I think the immunotherapy treatment that is working well for me now was only in trial stages when I was first diagnosed. I am also off on holiday on Thursday, the insurance isn't that much less than the holiday price but I'm still going to enjoy myself. Take care xx

  • Oh what insurance did you use. Im busting to back to ibiza .God you wouldn't think  I was 58 Joy

  • Hi Bev, going to San Antonio? I was there back in 1992 - at the time I was just there for the clubbing, which was great fun. However, if I was to revisit Ibiza, I’d definitely want to see a bit more of the island.  If there’s a resort you can recommend, I’d love to hear as maybe I’ll visit Ibiza next year.. PS I purchased annual travel insurance with ‘AllClear’ - approx £720. From memory, I think one trip to Europe was about £450. Happy Travels Sunny

  • Hiya Ruby.yea San Antonio I've been loads times a d love it. Although I normally go for a drunken holiday but this time it wud be to see the sights. That's were my son is now. We've been goin for years and I didn't no they had so many beautiful beaches and things to see .he keeps pestering me to check insurance so he can tske me to see the sights. Thank you for the insurance recommendation x

  • GO! If that’s where your lovely son is, no time like the present. Yes, the insurance can seem expensive but personally speaking, I find travelling to stay with family is the best. Great for mental health and such a boost. You literally can’t put a price on such an experience. See, I am very bossy when I need to be! PS no idea why my earlier post came up twice- have tried to delete one of them..xxxxxxxxx

  • I got my insurance from INSURANCEWITH and it was more expense because of it being a cruise in the Caribbean and USA. I should have said that. I was 60 last year and for my birthday present my daughters are taking me to Ibiza, I went for my first holiday abroad at 18 and I love it. We just haven't got round to booking it yet. Maybe September time all being well

  • Your cruise holiday sounds wonderful! Yes, cruises and certain countries add to the premium - with all mŷ various medical ‘bits’, I am sure a similar holiday for me would be sky high but SO worth it! I was lucky enough to go on a school cruise holiday when I was 16 (Greece, Israel, Egypt and Turkey) - I loved it at the time but I no longer have ‘sea legs’ and prefer being on firm ground! What fab daughters you have in arranging a trip to Ibiza - I’ve always enjoyed holidays in September (apart from the years when I worked in a school). Family friends have been visiting the island for over 40 years. Happy Travels! xxxxxx

  • My eldest daughter wears my treasured top from Angels nightclub where you entered the dancefloor down a slide, bought in 1984 I think

  • Hi Linsa, your thread has been hijacked by the party loving females who are by far the majority in this group, just to let you know there are a few incurable men on here aswell and on their behalf I welcome you to this some what insain group, and i agree with what you have been told already, we are incurable but treatable, the best advice I can give you is screw the cancer enjoy your life and family. All the best Ulls 

  • Hi there!! I would probably say I also am party loving red wine drinking yoga loving nut job and I am beginning to see I have to retain those 'attributes' to keep moving forward!!!!  Last week my daughter visited and we had a super fun 80's night with some wine and lots of silly dancing and great music!!

    Prepared to keep smiling and believing!! 

    Good luck to you Ulls!!