Living with incurable diagnosis

  • 40 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Just discovered no cure.  About to begin chemo

Feeling really scared

  • Dear oh dear Ulls, another female maniac on the loose. I blame Ellie and her chums for starting it all.

    It can't all be jokes and drinking   .... or can it!

  • Hi LinSa, we have a thread good morning 10 well I think is 10, is for general chit chat and down right sillyness feel free to to drop in, I've just said good night to them as I'm off out, speak tomorrow enjoy tonight.

  • Sure it can!!  

    Makes this whole story easier to bear anyway!!! 

  • Thanks so much for your encouraging message. I’m on day 6 after my 9th chemo and I’m feeling rubbish Weary this was just what I needed to spur me on. And I’m only 7 months into the journey. 
    Judy xx

  • Hi Linda, 

    A  lot of 'incurable but treatables' are lasting quite a long time past  their 'sell by' dates these days. 

    Some Stage 4s, especially  those towards the top of the wedge shaped  graph  - theres one showing the different types of cancer at stage 4 (based on the 5 year survival rate ) have even been known to last for 12 years and more!  

    ,Funding for research and treatments offered for some of the cancers ,even at stage 4 and even when they have metastisis in various parts of the body, is so good   -its longer an auromatically considered a death sentence and In Some Cases, is able to be  managed in a similar way to a chronic long term illness.

    Also, some of those graphs are out of date.   And you do get people from the middle down also defying the odds!

    Good luck..

  • Hi LinSA

    It's been a while since our chat,  how are you doing? Have you started treatment and if do, how's it going?

    I started the trial at WP but things have got worse for me, I'm in a lot of pain.  I've been told my tumours have grown considerably in a short period of time and causing an obstruction on my bowel. I've been in constant pain for about a month now and I'm wondering if it's a perforated bowel or something similar. 

    Anyway let me know how you are getting on.

    Helen xx

  • Hi Helen, Yes I was wondering about LinSA too and how she was doing!

    Helenim so sorry your trial didn't work for you but hopefully your team will find some other treatment once they have sorted out your current problem! I certainly hope the next treatment works for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi LinSA

    I'd been thinking about you for a while and wondered how you're doing? How is the chemotherapy going?

    I've started the trial at Weston Park,  and due to have a scan on Monday 10th July to see of there's a positive response...Fingers crossedit's doing some good! I go every other Tuesday for treatment. At the moment,  I haven't had any side effects but I have had horrendous constipation leading to impacted feaces.  I never knew constipation could be so agonising. 

    Anyway, let me know how you are .

    Best wishes,

    Helen xx

  • LinSa, If you are reading this, please let us all know how you are doing!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!