Living with incurable diagnosis

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Just discovered no cure.  About to begin chemo

Feeling really scared

  • I really am so pleased to find inspiration!! It is maybe pretty hard as my nephew died last week after not being diagnosed due to covid. 42 years old

    Our family are already coping with a lot so I'm holding back on some things.  Just not the best time!

  • Hi! We could well bump into one another at Weston Park!!! I'm in Oldcotes

  • Hi LinSA.  It is a really scary time finding out that you have incurable cancer but as others as said, there is much they can do these days.  I’ve been living with incurable cancer for 6.5 years now.  It’s been hard at times but for a lot of it I have lived a normal life and have learnt to appreciate things much more.  Live one moment at a time and don’t dwell on what might happen because it might not 

  • The support from you lovely ppl is certainly helping me cope!!! I am sure down the line the support will be invaluable!! I'm pretty scared!!! But big girl pants on and we fight on!! X

  • Hi LinSA

    You never know! 

    I go to the King William now and again and in the better weather, I meet friends for coffee at the farm cafe. One of my very good friends has just moved near Oldcotes. 

    Just to say, it's strange how quickly you accept what is happening to you and yes there are scary moments but stay positive and make the most out of life. It's not easy but somehow you get the strength from somewhere. 

    If you feel like talking and would like to meet up, I would be happy to do that...and it wouldn't be all doom and gloom neither. Slight smile

    Take care xx

  • That would be lovely!! We will arrange something for sure!! 

  • Hello LinSA, a very warm welcome to you.  You and your family have been and are going through an awful lot - I am dreadfully sorry to hear about your nephew too. Everyone has already given you such wise and good advice - I do remember feeling petrified before I started on my first ever chemo.  I remember feeling like I was walking into a room and I wouldn’t ever be able to return to the room I’d just come from.  Possibly that is a bit of a strange example but that is exactly how I felt at the time.  I got through that chemo and then another one - last week I started on another one (tablets) and I was dreading it.  This time it was because of the possible side effects as I have also had ‘Targeted Therapy’ and after 2 years, stopped it due to no quality of life. So far, I am ok on this chemo and hopefully my story will reassure you in that it’s normal to be nervous and have ‘what-ifs’ but we are all here to support you plus you will be meeting Helen for a coffee/tea soon! Huggingxxxxxxxxx.

  • Welcome to the group LinSA, It'll take a while for it all to sink in, but the first shock wave will pass and you will get to grips with it all a bit at a time. We don't know what your cancer is [you can fill in your profile as others on here may have the same one], but we all know how it feels to get the news and what you go through.

    You will find that a few others are in your area and familiar with Weston Park and, although I'm no longer in the area, I know it too. One of the ladies here sings in the Cancer Choir.

    Wishing you all the best and a good, positive response from the chemo. Hang in there and keep telling us how it's going. Everyone is different. Wish you well. Rainie x

  • Hello and welcome. Loads of people live with incurable conditions and are able to live full lives. A metastatic cancer diagnosis is slightly different as at the start you don’t know if the treatments available will slow it down for you. When I describe my situation to others I say I have got on a train, I know its destination, but I don’t know how long the journey will take but hope it’s the scenic route not the express. I hope you are on the slow train and it spends lots of time in the sidings! 

  • Yes mine is metastasized lung and liver.  Had a colostomy as the main tumor is anal

    I'm feeling really well so I believe that should be in my favour.  

    I sometimes feel I got this.........then other times not so much!!!!!

    Pray I'm on the scenic route too!!!