Living with incurable diagnosis

  • 40 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Just discovered no cure.  About to begin chemo

Feeling really scared

  • Hi i am sorry you have had to come here, though you are most welcome.

    Others will come along, and support you, we all have different cancer, but cancer is that, in any form.

    Mine is different to yours, yes the fear of the unknown, once you start treatment, you will have a lot of questions, we all did, we where all new once. 

    I was incurable from day 1, and all i asked for was hope, well i was 7 years diagnosed March gone, and a new treatment came out, and for me it worked,

    New things coming out all the time, once you get in the routine of it, things will fall in to place.


    You can ask anything here, moan, rant, scream, even laugh and we do, we are human after all.

    Just wanted you to know some one was here, xxxx

  • Hi   Wave

    I was incurable on diagnosis because the kidney cancer had spread to my lungs.  10 years ago they would have tried a bit of radiotherapy to no avail.  However these days there have been tremendous bounds in treatment approaches and today I'm 15 months into  immunotherapy and it's having the desired effect.  Many more members on here will be along with a prognosis they have been given which they outlived X years ago.  Incurable means the objective is to manage the situation - it doesn't mean "terminal".   It must have been a shock, but give it time.  

  • Hi LinSA and a warm welcome! In this Group we are ALL Incurable but treatable! If you are offered treatment, they think it will work, otherwise they wouldn't offer it as treatments cost to much to waste. No one uses the term Terminal any more because they are coming up with all sorts of new treatment for all types of cancer all the time, so the chances are there is one out there for you!

    I think at first we are all scared and our heads are all over the place! It's the fear of the unknown but I'm sure once your treatment starts you will hopefully feel a lot better that they may have found something that'll work. Lots of us here are passed our "sell by date" so I hope in a couple of months or years, you will be welcoming a new member to the Group saying you felt as scared as the new member feels now! Please keep us posted and let us know how the chemo goes. Do you have a date to start yet? Take care xxx

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you for the uplifting words!! I have my PICC line inserted in about 3 weeks and begin treatment the week after at the wonderful Weston Park in Sheffield 

    I certainly will keep you all up to date!!

    Many thanks

  • Hi LinSA

    Welcome, i think of it as 'living with cancer'. If i think of it any other way i find it too hard.

    Just take one day at a time, when you can and feel up to it make the most of it and go out and enjoy the things you like to do.

    There is so much out there these days to keep us going and stable.

    You'll get to see on here there are many people who were diagnosed years ago, and as said, you never know what treatments are coming out in the future.

    Wishing you luck with your treatment.

    Cat x

  • Your words are really inspirational!! And I much prefer 'living with cancer' !!! I'm ready to go head to head and live my life!!! X

  • Sometimes words matter a lot. I don't use 'terminal' and the new treatments often change the boundaries of what the oncologists can offer.

    Hello WaveWaveWaveand welcome

  • Welcome LinSA

    Not the best place to be it’s true but there is so much hope, treatments are amazing now and new treatments are approved all the time. It is scary at first so finding this site will be a great support and you can write down all your worries , concerns and rants here. There is a lot of love on this site and lots have been where you are or are going through similar atm

    Jac x

  • Hi LinSA

    So sorry you are going through this, it's not easy but you do and will cope. 

    My cancer started in my womb but then spread to my peritoneum about a year later, and was given the terminal/incurable prognosis. 

    I am waiting to start a clinical trial in May at Weston Park.(I'm in Doncaster). Hopefully this will extend my life expectancy and also hoping without too many side affects. 

    Keep positive and stay does help.

    Helen x
