What i'm doing, hope to do, or would like to do this summer

  • 148 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Evening lovely people

Just wondering what everyone is up to this summer, If anything, have you booked a holiday, special day out or just a treat for the afternoon, evening. Something that's going give you something to look forward to.. a small boost.

It may give those of us who haven't decided yet ideas of what they can do, wether it be big or small.

I have booked to go a local..ish, small three day music festival in July,  I'm also seeing Billy Gibbons { from ZZ Top } in consert, thankfully that is local as well,

I would also love to take my van, Mr T {swb ford transit van with basic camper converstion} up to yorkshire to visit the James Herriot museum. But i am i little worried it will be too much for me with the distance etc.  My only saving grace is that if i do get too tired i can climb in the back for a kip and a cup of coffee anytime, with no real deadline to get home.

Cat x

  • Cat that’s amazing! You are so clever doing that by yourself! You have everything you need. We’ll done on getting your feeding tube sorted too x

  • There's a larger double hook the otherside, out of shot, for that Chalkdust   JoyJoy

    Cat x

  • Unfortunatley Shadders i can't take the credit for fitting it out, only the little fixtures and fittings etc, i got a local indipendent chap to do it for me.

    I just said i didn't want fancy and falooting, that's not me, so he just lined it with some nice ply, installed the sink unit, and electric hook up connection. The lights run off the battery and use hardly any juice, they were £7. The small sink has a little pump that sits in a large water container, that came as a kit for £130.  You can get plastic 'porta potties' for under £30.

    You don't have to spend loads of money converting a van, you can if you want but at the end of the day it does the same thing, it's each to their own. I'm more than happy with it and i absolutely love my van.

    To have it lined, bench/bed made, counter the otherside, with the sink, lights installed an electric hook up installed was around £550

    It took me a long time to sell my trike to be able to get the van, so i bought bits and pieces i need now and then when i could afford it. I decided to buy a van and have it done because i could get a good solid van and have it done cheaper than buying one that's already been done. Most of the time you pay so much more because it's a camper, but then end up with a knackered van and have to replace, redo half of the conversion as well.

    Because my feed pump battery only lasts one day/ night i'm having to stay on campsites with electric at the moment. But my aunt is being really kind to me and getting an Inverter so i can stay anywhere and still be able to plug the pump in.

    My last job is to have some sort of vent or probably a skylight put in as it's going to be like an oven in there.

    I'm hoping this summer is going to be a kind as i want to make the most of it while i am well enough.

    Cat x

  • That seems a cheap way to transform your life for the good. Quite extraordinary.

  • Sounds good to me Cat, 3 mates and I converted an old ambulance into a camper we used it for 3 years whent all over UK, great times, I know you'll have excellent holidays in your van, I've got a can opener if you get stuck.Lol 

  • first trip this year.on my DNA journey discovering my ancestors. We made it to Jersey to the little White House where my great grandfather lived with his parents and 8 siblings. They would collect seaweed from the beach and dry it on the hill behind them, this would then become the manure to grow the jersey potato’s. A very poor existence, so glad the house has survived this long. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Wow Chelle what an amazing discovery! This is really unique. I love the DNA programs on tv. 
    I sent off for my DNA…I’m a bit of a mongrelLaughing it includes Norway and Ireland Flag ie which I love. 
    Judy xx

  • I stumbled on my Irish family in County Mayo..found loads of relatives I never knew I had. 

  • And went to visit them. 

  • That's really good Chelle, I'm going to Eyemouth is September with my family, I still have cousins there, this time I'm going to take pics of the houses before they disappear, my own birth house is long gone Knocked down in the early 60s. I think your really lucky to be able to photograph that house, good memories