What i'm doing, hope to do, or would like to do this summer

  • 148 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Evening lovely people

Just wondering what everyone is up to this summer, If anything, have you booked a holiday, special day out or just a treat for the afternoon, evening. Something that's going give you something to look forward to.. a small boost.

It may give those of us who haven't decided yet ideas of what they can do, wether it be big or small.

I have booked to go a local..ish, small three day music festival in July,  I'm also seeing Billy Gibbons { from ZZ Top } in consert, thankfully that is local as well,

I would also love to take my van, Mr T {swb ford transit van with basic camper converstion} up to yorkshire to visit the James Herriot museum. But i am i little worried it will be too much for me with the distance etc.  My only saving grace is that if i do get too tired i can climb in the back for a kip and a cup of coffee anytime, with no real deadline to get home.

Cat x

  • Its nice to find out you have relatives you didn't know about, and get to talk to them

  •   I love the DNA journey on tv as well. I have done the DNA test on ancestory. I am 25% Italian on my mothers side, and have discovered lots of relatives on there I didn’t know about. My next DNA journey is to Lazio in Italy. That needs a lot more planning. Xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • That’s exciting. I love Italy. I met a  Mario many moons ago on holiday. He was head waiter so I had second helpings of everything Grin
    My dad’s brother and sister had no children so we thought our family where the last of the Barkers (my great grandfather went to Ireland from Yorkshire and married an Irish girl) it was great to find out we had so many relatives that had emigrated across the world. I met a cousin in NZ. And my sister met a up with a cousin in Chicago. My grandad ended up in Conway. xx

  • Now Now MSG second helpings, and why not, think a lot of us would like second helpings at some time, x

  • RoflJoy And he was gorgeous! X

  • Please sit, could i have some more lol x

  • Morning

    I am very sceptical with this DNA ancestry, i don't trust it at all... not sure why, just a gut feeling. 
    I've done mine the old fashioned way, foot slog and research, and proved everything i have found out. I think it's just they way i was taught my my dad and stepmother who are family historians.

    One side of mine is New Forest back to at least 1700's, i know they go back further, just not had the time to do it. The other side is London, which i've not touched on too much yet as i was doing the Forest side.

    I absolutley love doing it, i love social history. Finding out about my ancesers. I have one couple that was always getting into strife !! and a murderer !! A tailor and a Barber, which were/ are both my trades, i didn't find out about them until after i had started my trades, the hair stood up on the back of my kneck when i found out !!

    I suppose i should really get round to doing more, now with my cancer.

    Good luck with your DNA search.

    Cat x

  • Yes, you have to be careful. Thankfully my niece is a historian and knows what is true and what isn’t. 
    she has done a family tree for me on ancestry with over 4000 relatives!! I just sit back and reap the rewards Grin (I have some skeletons tooWink) I love the Irish Shamrock️ connections as I feel that’s were my heart is. Happy researching Cat xx

  • You definitely have to be fully prepared for what you might find when doing dna. It can change the whole outlook of your family tree, a lot of people have secrets in their family that they were not aware of! I hired a genealogist to help unravel my dna ( not to be confused with a gynaecologist which I told my daughter and that really confused her) because a lot of people on ancestry add people without doing the research. It is a long time consuming process, but worth it. Italian family had added photos of my great grandparents that I hadn’t seen before, so that was a good find x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge