What i'm doing, hope to do, or would like to do this summer

  • 148 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Evening lovely people

Just wondering what everyone is up to this summer, If anything, have you booked a holiday, special day out or just a treat for the afternoon, evening. Something that's going give you something to look forward to.. a small boost.

It may give those of us who haven't decided yet ideas of what they can do, wether it be big or small.

I have booked to go a local..ish, small three day music festival in July,  I'm also seeing Billy Gibbons { from ZZ Top } in consert, thankfully that is local as well,

I would also love to take my van, Mr T {swb ford transit van with basic camper converstion} up to yorkshire to visit the James Herriot museum. But i am i little worried it will be too much for me with the distance etc.  My only saving grace is that if i do get too tired i can climb in the back for a kip and a cup of coffee anytime, with no real deadline to get home.

Cat x

  • I usually do things on my own, i really don't mind. Sometimes it's nice to go with friends or family. Doing things on my own means 'you' can do what you like when you like. To be honest,  i get a couple of good days then i'm completely washed out on the third day and have to rest up for a day or so, so if i did go with others i'd feel as though i'd be spoiling there holiday, holding them back and being a party pooper.

    Also when i get home i really look forward to seeing my family and friends and have so much to talk about.

    Your cat sounds like mine !!

    Cat x

  • I am planning on just enjoying our garden and house. We spent the past 10 years renovating it and building and planting the garden from scratch, doing a lot of the work ourselves while we were also working, ready for our retirement. I am going to enjoy it as much as possible for as long as possible.

  • Hi Ruby and a warm welcome.  That sounds sensible your brother and sister visiting you. Do you know how long they are staying for? The longer the better!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • There's nothing better than being able to sit back and enjoy something you've worked so hard for, whether it be through physical hard work, monitry wise or both Lucy.

    we've been getting some lovely hot wheather here the few summers, so no need to go abroad to find it, it's there in your back garden. I'm sure you'll end up having the odd BBQ or two to show it off now it's done. Enjoy 

    Cat x

  • This year I am on my very own DNA journey. After doing an ancestry DNA and finding my heritage, I am off to the lands of my forefathers, the first stop is Jersey in April. I am going with my Dad and my brother and we are going to visit the house where my great grandfather Abraham lived with his parents. The house is now owned by the national trust, but it is just a concrete hut really, it was an old guard house right on the sea front of st Ouen. Abraham and his brothers and sisters would collect sea weed to dry which they sold for manure to grow potatoes. 

    My mothers father came from Italy, so that will be my next stop. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Annamary, just been catching up with this thread, Beamish is about 5 miles from us, I've been once, ment to go again but keep putting of problems with it being so close.

  • According to a person who posts on the good morning thread, we are all a bunch of Northern bandits who should paint our faces blue and white and stay behind the wall, southern Wally 

  • Hi KeithA, you have just discribe the way we like to spend our Spanish holidays 

  • It sounds like an awful lot of hard work and sweat went into it all and now you can relax and enjoy it. It sounds wonderful, and will be, Lucy Locket, to spend time enjoying your home and garden. MyJoyravelling days are now over, apart from days out, and I will be relaxing in our garden, but need to do some weeding and pruning too Joy and also enjoy our new gazebo (only completed last Thursday!). ENJOY xxxx.

  • Hello Annette, thank you for your warm welcome Blush, much appreciated.  My sister lives in Australia so although I’ve had the pleasure of visiting her there, way back in 1998 and then 2005, I am no longer in a position to fly over there. Not sure hoHeart long they will all stay but they have both lived abroad for many years so any time spent with all of them, will be savoured and seen as very precious. Heart️xxxx