What i'm doing, hope to do, or would like to do this summer

  • 148 replies
  • 53 subscribers

Evening lovely people

Just wondering what everyone is up to this summer, If anything, have you booked a holiday, special day out or just a treat for the afternoon, evening. Something that's going give you something to look forward to.. a small boost.

It may give those of us who haven't decided yet ideas of what they can do, wether it be big or small.

I have booked to go a local..ish, small three day music festival in July,  I'm also seeing Billy Gibbons { from ZZ Top } in consert, thankfully that is local as well,

I would also love to take my van, Mr T {swb ford transit van with basic camper converstion} up to yorkshire to visit the James Herriot museum. But i am i little worried it will be too much for me with the distance etc.  My only saving grace is that if i do get too tired i can climb in the back for a kip and a cup of coffee anytime, with no real deadline to get home.

Cat x

  • Hello Keith, that Menorca holiday sounds fab.  On any of my trips, in the past year, I’ve just ate loads, slept a lot!, oh and enjoyed a daily swim. Pleased to hear you loved the place so much, yoThumbsup tone1e going again Thumbsup tone1Sunny️.

  • Hi Cat, thank you for your welcome Pray tone1. A long story but me and my siblings haven’t been in the same room for many years and it will be wonderful to have a big, group hug when we finally all meet in the flesh. PS I look forward to sharing cat Cat2 stories in future posts! xxx.

  • Hi Ruby2016, just read your post and profile, welcome to our club, I have 3 sister's all have had breast cancer, removal and associated treatment's, unfortunately like your self the middle one's cancer has come back, bone's and lymps, she had further chemo and now on tablets, can't remember the name of them.   I'm sure you're decision will be right for you and I be responding to your posts for many year's to come. All the best Ulls 

  • Hello Ulls, thank you so much for your warm welcome, it’s really appreciated.  Thank you for letting me know about your sisters and also the sister who has Secondary Breast Cancer. I sincerely wish Sweat smileem all well. My Macmillan specialist nurse has phoned this morning to ask me to attend a Face to Face appointment as the results of a blood test are in.  This is a factor in which chemo they will ofSweat smiler me.  Your kind words mean a lot and also, I am sure we will all have some laughs along the way! Sweat smile

  • Hello Ruby, a new person on here and a big welcome from me.

    This is a good thread to exchange ideas.

    We're off shortly on a trip visiting historic places. I'm really into early medieval history, so we've booked into a couple of places with the National Trust and The Landmark Trust and one of them we'll be staying in the converted gatehouse of a real 12thC. castle in Somerset. It has it's own moat. I love castles, and there are lovely ones in Scotland, but the drive would be too much. It'll be a challenge with the driving, but hopefully it'll be fun too.

    We all need things to look forward to. Hope you all get some treats arranged.

    Rainie x

  • Enjoy your holiday Rainie I hope the weather is good to you 

  • Hello back Rainie and thank you very much for welcoming me into this group of fab people who I know ‘get it’.  I am so pleased to have joined. I’m going to put my hand up and say I haven’t/hadn’t heard of The Landmark Trust - I will definitely be Googling them! Your upcoming trip sounds really interesting and I really like the sound of the stay in the converted gatehouse of the 12th Century castle. I am sure you will have a great time.  I am meeting a good friend this Thursday for a walk around Virginia Water, will take my raincoat as it rains most days at the mo! xxxxxxxx

  • Hi Cat,

    I think this is terrific post, brightens the day thinking about potential breaks or time away. Unfortunately no holidays abroad this year due to a couple of trips in an ambulance to hospital for blood clots in my lungs. Still seeing consultant to manage my blood thinners, travel insurance would be through the roof anyway. Not to worry though, we are still getting away in June down to Keswick & Windermere for a week with our cockapoo. Best of all, my youngest daughter gets married in August so the whole family is looking forward to a catch up and a shindig with a few drinks thrown in.

    Take care, Tom 

  • shindig

    Are you in Scotland?  [sorry for the off-topic post!]

  • Hi Chelesimo

    My dad and stepmother are family historians and have been doing it since the 80's. They helped me to start mine off, i've done it the old fashioned way, research and foot slogging like them. Iv'e gone back to the 1700's with one side and i know they go back further, but just haven't had the time. The other side i have only touched on.

    For some reason i don't trust this dna ancestry. I double and triple check and prove everything as it's so easy to be led off on the wrong path,

    Good luck with it,

    Cat x