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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • It was a big caravan as called then over looking the Clyde, was lovely, it was up high 

  • Sorry all, not been on to share my wisdom. So many other people need my help and advice.

    I'm sure normal service will be resumed.

    Did I mention I've got sore bits? No, well I have.

  • Do not worry, soon be better x

  • I’m beginning to wonder how i did have time to work lol.  There is a caravan site 1/2 a mile from me that has lovely views over the river.  I hope your son enjoyed his service.  I know quite a few ex forces and they all speak warmly about the time there.  I guess they are the happy stories though.  

    Hope you are all well everyone.  I am up “steroid’ early I would say.  Maybe I am just excited about my new non working days lol.  As I said it’s a coffee and cake day for me, looking forward to it.  Feeling more like my pre chemo self now so that was 10 days of grotty.  Still lost my taste and some numbness in my left fingers but other than that I am ok. 

    Onwards and upwards all. 

    Have a good one 

    M x 

  • Morning Morton

    Glad your fitting in to a different way of life, lol

    Yes numb filling in fingers all part of belonging to this club, it is called a membership.

    Taste well mine was months and months, but did come back.Your of out later, good one, steroids,  club members only, no wonder you go to the gym,

    Lifting my purse is enough.

    Photo later please, 

    I have just got up, not had my first tea as yet,

    Enjoy  your day. xx

  • Good Morning Ellie, Morton and A123, I don't have number fingers but numb toes, some people think I shoud include my head, on Sunday I made a corn beef and potato pie and a lemon cake with sutarners, on Monday our daughter and SIL arrived, just passing had lunch with us and left, after dinner I wonted a piece of cake, gone, ask spouse she gave the pie and cake to the kids.

    I don't know what she was thinking, had to make another for myself.

  • Morning, good job you can cook Ulls,

    See they like your cooking and know you are capable, to make more lol.

    Corn Beef  that is old old school i love it and so does my grandson.

    When i was a teenager, my dad told us as dads do, in the war two things, people could not get, Corn Beef and Soap.

    Until this very day, have a few tins in cupboard of corn beef and soap quiet a few bars in bathroom, even though i do not use soap.

  • What happened to the good old days when you left home and got on with it.

    Of course you had to borrow the occasional twenty quid but to come around to your house and make merry with your cakes is just not on.

    Anyway I understand everyone is eating plant based food so open the back door, give them some secateurs and let them forage.

    As a figure of fun on here, regularly mocked, I will give you more to laugh at apart from sore bits....

    Been sending letters, emails and complaints to a planning officer.There are two with the same name, yes all gone to the wrong one!

    Onwards and upwards.

  • I thought you'd be sore, look out for footballs as they tend to hit you in the wedding tackle, and don't annoy your wife either.

  • This was just the preliminary investigations, the appointment for the real pain is in a couple of months!

    But I am minding my manners.