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Lovely Morning no 7 Onwards and Upwards

  • 1059 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Morning start of another month.

This is a chit chat thread, talk about every days things as such..going for scan, bloods, how you fill , what you done today if anything. or a load of rubbish.


If you have a special subject to talk about please start a new thread.

Other thread was getting a bit full up.So new month new Thread.

Have a lovely day everyone.

Ellie xx

  • Hi everyone, just trying to catch up with this thread, as I've not been on this group for a couple of days, Busy busy.

     I love the photo's. Please keep them coming! anything to do with water, rivers, sea, ships, boats, even a submarine, I am at my happiest near the water. 

    I have just had a phone call from the GP, I am due my denosumab tomorrow, this is already a week late because of staff sickness. They have just cancelled tomorrows appointment. I got very upset, explained this is already over due, and with this medication you cannot delay or you are vulnerable to rebound fractures. I've been told to go up at 2 and they will try and fit me in. Wish me luck 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Missing Ellie telling me off. Without discipline I am lost!

  • Have been asked to inform you, that  Ellie is not in the building today, and all discipline, has gone by the back door.

    Hope fully she may return at some point, xx

  • Once I am off the leash, I cannot say what condition Ellie will find me in when she comes back.

  • Well i now have an answer, from Ellie,then you will become feral as such, though she has empathized, she has tried and cannot be responsible for every one,  If and when she may return, it will be  her decision.

    I will inform her, of your comment, and no doubt she will take that on board,  

  • I cannot ask for more than that. Please pass on my gratitude and best wishes.

  • Just to  pass on her reply, she thanks you for the best wishes..

    Also to say, it was nice to met you, though she did say, you gave her the biggest headache at every meeting.

    If she decides to return, she will make sure she has a bigger supply of headache tablet's.

  • I think she has confused me with someone else, that dosnt sound like me.

  •  She said you was the one that had to be disciplined the most, and at times, it made no difference, and also said, she likes a challenge and yes you was, that, but no one, is beyond help and if she can she will, if return's help you,

  • I've just shed a tear, I think she likes me, a lot, I mean a real lot. Ask her to come back and help me.