Where to start

  • 56 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Been on this journey for four years, never felt the need to express myself before, do people actually listen? 

  • Hi Rene, sorry about that late post, I've just read all of this thread, all the ladies who have responded are wise old girls even Monica, they make me laugh even when they don't mean it.

    If memory serves me one lady on this group had her husband leave her because of cancer, however she has a new partner who loves her for being her cancer and all.

    All the best Ulls 

  • Hi Renee, you haven't posted for a while, how are you doing.

  • I was actually wondering the same! Please let us know how you are getting on Donna!

    I actually clicked on a notification email that MonicaMonica had posted but then it said it was deleted. Does anyone know what's going on please?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I have done that too Annette and it's not the first time or the second etc. I'm sure I've seen that many times. There's probably a moderation decision behind it and if there is then we will never find out from admin because they're so tight lipped regarding moderation decisions. Individually they're lovely people but they have obligations to uphold which is fair enough. 

    Maybe someone can throw a light on why but it won't stay on for long before removal.

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • You are right Tvman. The thing is if we don't know why they delete things, then we are not learning anything from it. In my opinion, I think, especially in this Group, we are old enough and wise enough to police ourselves. No one I know here would upset anyone intentionally, maybe it is our sense of humour that's the problem but without that the world would be a horrible place.

    Well, I haven't slept a wink during the night, so I'm going to try to get some shuteye now. Have a great dat all!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hope you managed to get some sleep Annette. xx

  • Hi Annette, please check your email 

  • I did get just over 2 hours sleep but it was a long night!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Its awful being awake and every one else asleep you don't want to be out of bed but don't want to be in it either 

  • Annette, I was up during the night too for about 3 hours. I had a couple of slices of toast and watched some telly before going to bed again. I'm quite fresh but behind where I usually am at this time. It's a very calm mild autumn day here, looking forward to spending a couple of hours in the garden. Not working for that amount of time obviously because of my back but I'll get some work done

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.