Where to start

  • 56 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Been on this journey for four years, never felt the need to express myself before, do people actually listen? 

  • It was my turn last night, 2 hours & 40 mins sleep. It feels like I've got a hangover today but at least I didn't have anything planned.Sleeping xx

  • Hi tvman, hope you managed not to overdo it in the garden. Putting me to shame as I've had a really lazy day and managed to get an hour shut eye as well.

  • Hi , I did get a couple of hours work done in batches of 5-10 minutes due to fatigue and back pain.  Managed to get an onion, shallot and garlic bed weeded to keep on top of some weeding because those crops do not like competition for food. They'll be ready for harvesting next July. 

    Don't feel guilty about having a lazy day little-fi, most everyone here will need at least one day off during the week, including you and me. It's not really being lazy it's a necessity.

    Lovely to chat with you little-fi

    Tvman xx 

    Love life and family.
  • Thanks tvman, that's made me feel less selfish. We look after our 2 year old grandson a couple of times a week and although hubby does the main caring these days, I also help out. I've been making up for it today doing little jobs, like you, in small doable amounts. xx

  • Hi Rena (I'm sure your not done yet!)  I just wondered how you are doing?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I'll second that request, come on let's talk Rene