Where to start

  • 56 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Been on this journey for four years, never felt the need to express myself before, do people actually listen? 

  • they say laughter is the best medicine and i agree it is

  • I'm nearly past the stage off caring, just clinging on I'm sure letting go will be easy, thanks for being there actually laughed. Goodnight 

  • Good Night always here, look on the bright side of life x

  • Hi Rena,

    if the nivolumab is working surgery sounds hopeful and that your doctors think they can help 


  • Hi Rena and welcome. It sounds like you do what a lot of us do! When someone asks you how you are doing, you probably smile and say "fine thanks" but the inside is screaming No I'm Not!

    It is a difficult subject to broach with someone but like Ellie I'd be honest! No one knows how long we have got to live, not even the professionals and the treatments are improving all the time. It is not easy taking one day at a time and enjoying it but it is the only way I have made it this long.

    I hope when you waken in the morning, you will feel differently having shared a bit and you realise you are not alone!

    I am sure you will have many other replies, when it comes to a decent time in the morning! Hang in there!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hello and welcome to this bit of the forum. We all know you'd rather not be here but you are amongst friends and can say pretty much anything here. Remember that although we are all 'incurable' we are still, for the most part, treatable. It seems that you're doing pretty well on your immunotherapy and there is surgery on the horizon which will help with the growths causing you problems. I can well imagine how you are feeling with the prospect of a new relationship and how you are going to deal with such an intimate discussion.

    However, I also agree with the other comments that broaching the subject in an honest and straightforward way is the only realistic approach. And it's also true that there are many different levels of being in a relationship. Friendship and companionship are just as important, if not more so - as a sexual relationship, without the other elements in place, would be, as far as I was concerned, not a relationship worth pursuing, though I appreciate that we all have differing needs. Perhaps if you concentrate on establishing the relationship on the basis of friend & companion, the rest can follow when you re-gain at least part of your physical confidence once again.

    Wishing you all the very best, Rainie x

  • Thank you for your reply I appreciate the words of wisdom from all who have took time to read my post and offer advice, confirmation off what I was thinking has made me feel a lot better about myself and every new day is a blessing which I just need reminding off every once in a while thanks again 

  • It is great to hear from so many wise people thanks

  • Comforting to hear this, thank you 

  • You have your answer, i am glad that Monica put it from a mans point of view x