How are you today?

  • 80 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hii everyone, I hope you are doing really well today and have all had a lovely day ^-^

I thought it would be nice to have a thread/page where we can update each other on how we are and how our days were Heart️ 

No pressure to though, only post if you're comfortable to. You don't have to say about how you are feeling, you can say about what you did today, if you want to. It can be anything big and small.

I'll start. Today was an ok day, I spent most of it in bed. I did get up and have a cup of tea this afternoon, I felt so sick but thankfully kept it in me.

Hoping tomorrow I'll feel a bit better.

Take care everyone. 

Sending you all lots of love and hugs HeartHugging

Jess xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hii Ellie, I'm glad you've had Reiki and found it so wonderful. I'm going to give it a try as well so I'm hoping I'll find it as nice as you have Heart

    That's really good to know that you can have it at the hospice and that they'll pick you up and take you home as well. I might give them a call as well, just enquire what it would be like. I'm not very comfortable going to a hospice, they scare me to be honest. Just the thought of being near or in one.

    Thanks for your lovely message xx

    I hope you enjoyed your tv Ellie ^-^

    Take care and have a lovely day x

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hehe that made me smile ^-^ It's funny how curious people get about something at times isn't it. 

    Love that. Xx

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moi2

    Hii Moi2, I'm so glad to hear that you found it useful having Reiki HeartRoseThat's fab! I'm not sure if there's anything like that in my local hospital. It might be worth asking though. Ooh cool I think we're not too far, I'm in Wales. 

    That's fabulous that you were learning Reiki I imagine that must have been really interesting! ^-^ hopefully you can start learning again soon. Over lockdown I did a little learning to I was doing a lot of baking at one point.

    I hope you had a lovely nights sleep and have a beautiful day today xx

     Best wishes,

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember

    No one has to reply to this. It's just a little vent as I had a bit of an upset this morning. My sister, her name is Laura, she came in my room this morning and she wanted to talk about how she is feeling at the moment, which is good, it's good to be open and honest about these things but it was so upsetting. She cried and said that she doesn't want me to die like mum did. She wants me to be there when she gets married one day and has kids. Who will she watch Disney with and talk to about school and girl things. She got so upset. 

    I was upset as well but tried not to show it. As the older sister it's my job to be the brave strong one. I told Laura not to think too far ahead and to enjoy the time we have now. I told her that's what I'm doing, just having fun and making the most of every day. I told her that the future is to far away to worry about. 

    She seemed happier after. I wish I could have said or done more to help her but I really don't know what to say or do. Hopefully I helped a little xx

  • Hi Jess, I do feel for you and Laura. It's an awful situation we are all in. Taking it day by day is all we can do.sending hugs to you and Laura XX

  • Hi Jess

    This is very upsetting for you both,

    Why not have a chat with your dad, and tell him, i am sure  your dad would want to know,you both need to perhaps talk to some one, there is support out there, though you have to seek it. People do not know you may need a little hlp unless you ask,

    Do you talk to your dad and step mum, regarding the situation, at times you have to be open with them, i am sure they will get the help, you all as a family need..

    Take Care Ellie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moi2

    Hii Moi2, it is awful for everyone in this situation. Like you said just have to take it day by day. 

    Sending you love and hugs xx

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Hii Ellie, thank you for your message xx

    Thank you for suggesting that. I had thought of talking to dad but I sometimes find it helps hearing someone else suggest it as well. I might see if we can all sit down and talk tonight when he's home. It's my fault really, we were going to look at getting some support and help as a family but I got depressed and we didn't in the end. I think we need to look into it again now especially to help Laura.

    We don't really talk about the situation. We probs really should but it's one of those touchy things no one likes to talk about sadly. Bring it up and everyone gets really upset, myself included sometimes. It's very awkward.

    Take care Ellie xxx


    Jess xx

  • There is nothing to be scared of, i had never been to one, always thought the worst, but i can tell you it is not like that,

    They teach yo to live with cancer, and have so much to offer, they became like another family, it was like home from home.

    Ellie x

  • Hi Jess

    I think Ellie's advice about talking it over with your dad and sis is a great one. I don't know about you but if find sometimes it's quite upsetting when I talk about it out of the blue, and I can't talk properly because I'm crying too much. I've found that sending an email or text, depending on who I'm sending it too, with an initial topic that I want to speak out really useful. Maybe you could send a text to your dad, or even write a letter to say that you'd like to talk about the present situation and the future and how it makes you feel. And then ask for a time that suits everyone so you could sit down and talk about it.

    Christine x