How are you today?

  • 80 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hii everyone, I hope you are doing really well today and have all had a lovely day ^-^

I thought it would be nice to have a thread/page where we can update each other on how we are and how our days were Heart️ 

No pressure to though, only post if you're comfortable to. You don't have to say about how you are feeling, you can say about what you did today, if you want to. It can be anything big and small.

I'll start. Today was an ok day, I spent most of it in bed. I did get up and have a cup of tea this afternoon, I felt so sick but thankfully kept it in me.

Hoping tomorrow I'll feel a bit better.

Take care everyone. 

Sending you all lots of love and hugs HeartHugging

Jess xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leonie4410

    Hii Leonie, how are you today? I hope you are doing really well and having a fab day ^-^ Heart

    Yes summer should be just around the corner, can't wait to see it! Feels like its been a long winter this time. Ooh wow that's so cool! Slight smile Thanks for telling me about that, I will check that out, could be really fab doing that! Yours sounds amazing. You must be very creative xx 

    I could probably do with more protein, my diet is rubbish. Feel sick all the time so puts me off eating tbh. I really need to try to eat more and better. Can't wait for my hair to grow back though I miss brushing and styling it x

    Thanks Leonie xx it is a lot better now. A massage would be lovely, but no one to give me one sadly, I may have to settle for a warm bath xxx

    Sending you lots and lots of hugs,

    Jess xx

  • Hi Jess, it's an exhausting day for me. I am cleaning with many pauses inbetween. Tomorrow and over the weekend I have my sisters visiting. However I have the help of my roboters, they clean quite good and sound cheerful, not complaining either.

    It's a lot of organising but I am taking my time. Even if they tell me not to bother I have some pride. But it's sunny and I am looking forward seeing them in person again.

    BTW you may want to check for healthy and nice recipes in various cooking magazines. Do you know the App "Readly"? It is a fantastic app,  one has access to numerous magazines from all kind of categories. 

    Have a good evening and night.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leonie4410

    Hii Leonie, aw no I'm so sorry to hear you've had such an exhausting day today. Sending you lots of hugs and energy HeartHuggingHeart️ It sounds like it's all go for you at the moment. I'm glad you are taking your time with things though. Be sure to have plenty of you time, put your feet up and have a lovely hot chocolate or cup of tea. Xx I'm glad you have some help with the cleaning.

    I hope you will have a lovely time with your sisters, they sound lovely. They must be super proud of you x

    Hopefully you will all have a very lovely day tomorrow and a fab weekend. I hope you enjoyed the sunshine, it's rained here all day sadly.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I will have a look in some magazines and I'll also download that app. Thank you so much for telling me about it! Slight smile 

    Have a beautiful evening and night.

    Sending you lots of love xxx

    Jess x

  • Hi Jess,

    You really are a trooper - but like I said before you dont need to care for us all the time. Leonie mentioned a massage and you said you had no one to do one- but there are lots of therapists out there doing things like reiki, hand and foot massage etc - and many will come to you. Body massage is more problematic as many wont touch cancer patients for fear of causing problems. Reiki is a non hands on therapy and is very relaxing . I am a great sceptic about many new agey thngs but I still enjoyed reki sessions , I think it is the tender loving care which it encompasses. Even more reason to find out what benefits you are entitled to .


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hii ownedbystaffies, nice to hear from you today. Thanks for your message and suggestion about a massage. I like to offer my support, you're my little online family ^-^ Heart

    It's really good to know that some will come to me. Unless it's like 5-10 mins away I wouldn't be able to go to anyone, just too tired now can't manage it sadly. Paying someone to give me a foot massage or something like it would be the biggest problem, I expect my dad would give me the money but I feel bad when people have to pay for things for me. That's one of the reasons why I'd like to claim in time. Do you find Reiki sessions help with the pain as well? I'm in a lot of pain at the moment could do with help with it. I'm glad you enjoy it, it does sound really lovely and relaxing. It would be nice to have some tender loving care like that xx

    Jess xx 

  • Even more reason to get a claim in, I am adamant you will be entitiled to benefits . I am not as up to date as I used to be but I have helped several people claim what they are ENTITLED to - emphasis on "entitled", as so many people feel shamed about asking for help - we live in a (just about still) civilised country where the many contribute so that people who need help can get it. It would help you feel like you can contribute rather than having to ask your dad for money too.

    I dont know if reiki would help with pain, but it is done with you lying down, fully clothed, with lovely oils being burnt , candles and the peace and relaxation has to be helpful. Nothing ventured , nothing gained, and it cant make things worse.


  • Jess, i have had Reiki was wonderful i must say.

    I had mine at the Hospice, they do so much for people, the Hospice can pick you up and take you there,  it would be worth a phone call, and ask them for pain management, massage, reiki aromatherapy, what you fancy.

    Every one gets the wrong impression of them, but they help you live your life  the best way you can.

    Worth a thought, i will call them when i need help again.

    Right of to watch some tv catch you later/

    Bye Ellie xx

  • Just as a amusing tale, when I had my mastectomy a few years ago, my friend who had been doing reiki for me pre-op, came to the hospital at visiting time and asked the staff to put up a do not disturb sign so she could do a session with me in my side room. When she finished, she opened the door and there was a crowd of nosey and bemused nurses outside. Think they were waiting to see if I was flying around the room or something, as this was a good few years ago before many people tried reiki. I wasnt.

  • My Dr. Requested macmillan Holistic treatments which I got Reiki was very good so was the massage. Luckily  Macmillan have a small department in our local hospital, I'm in Liverpool where are you Jess. I've actually been learning Reiki but the lock downs put pay to my exams, which I need to take. Hope you have a piecful night sending hugs xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hii ownedbystaffies, thank you for your message and suggestion. You're a really lovely person it's so kind of you to help others with this. If you think I am entitled then I will defos give a call. I might do it in a minute actually as I am feeling a bit better today, didn't feel great yesterday. I have to admit I do feel a bit sad and shame to ask about claiming. 

    I looked up reiki and some people think it may help with pain as well, but not for everyone. Defos worth a try I think. There's some local people who do it, I'm going to give a call and see if they'll come to the house as I really don't think I can go to them at the moment sadly. Xx

    Have a lovely day x

    Jess xx