How are you today?

  • 80 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hii everyone, I hope you are doing really well today and have all had a lovely day ^-^

I thought it would be nice to have a thread/page where we can update each other on how we are and how our days were Heart️ 

No pressure to though, only post if you're comfortable to. You don't have to say about how you are feeling, you can say about what you did today, if you want to. It can be anything big and small.

I'll start. Today was an ok day, I spent most of it in bed. I did get up and have a cup of tea this afternoon, I felt so sick but thankfully kept it in me.

Hoping tomorrow I'll feel a bit better.

Take care everyone. 

Sending you all lots of love and hugs HeartHugging

Jess xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to chellesimo

    Hi Chelle, I've had an ok day thanks. I was downstairs for a while which was nice got the post in which has been the highlight of my day lol Yum 

    I spent a lot of time here earlier which was lovely. I'm in a bit of pain again now which is a shame but I'm hoping it will pass soon x

    Jess xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi Tvman. Hugs HeartHuggingYellow heart It's ok, just one of those awful things. I'm doing good though, today hasn't been too bad, this morning wasn't great but since then I've been up and about for once yay! Much better than this morning for sure, hopefully tomorrow will be fab for us all ^-^ 

    Thanks Tvman. I was a little negative this morning, so sorry about that! You are so right, never say never. Who knows what will happen. I'd love to see the northern lights, would be an amazing experience!

    Hugs xx

    Jess xxx

  • Hi Jess,

    I am glad the idea of audio books is helpful. There are also lots of podcasts out there which are funny/ interesting etc.

    I am sad to hear that you havent had your hair done for ages - is that because you have lost it , like me, or feel too ill? If it is the tiredness etc, is there a mobile hairdresser who would come to you- just having someone take care of us can make such a difference.

    Your sister sounds lovely, but is it hard being a big sister when you are so ill .

    You are clearly a lovely person, so dont take on the cares and woes of the rest of us on here - most of us have many years on you, and we can look after ourselves- you make sure you focus on you.


  • Hi Jess,

    I agree with Tvman, never give up. You may find a way to travel "easy". Actually the chance to see northern lights is increasing over the next yesrs. You may also see them in e.g. Scotland.

    I am glad that you are interested in all our lives, thanks for your comments.

    BTW I also love reading Harry Potter. Do you know the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan, very entertaining with many details. Keeps your head busy and easy to read.

    Sending you many hugs

  • Hi Jess I'm back again, just food shopping yesterday. But going the hairdressers did give me a boost. I'm so pleased you got downstairs got the mail had your cuppa. Hope your pain is not to bad and yHeartu have a good night. I'll be going to bed shortly rather tired, probably did to much yesterday. Sending hugs lovely xxHeart

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    Hii ownedbystaffies, thank you for your lovely message and kind words. You are really lovely full of so much kindness and love I hope you know that Heart

    Defos helpful, thank you so much! I bought the first Harry potter book on audio this morning. Listened to the first chapter. I love podcasts, spend a lot of time on YouTube usually in early hours when I can't sleep.

    Yes sadly I don't have any anymore. So haircuts are long since over. I did have lovely long hair, so soft. I really miss that, and my head gets cold now which is uncomfortable. Also very self conscious about it. Try not to be but when out feels like everyone is staring.

    Yes it is hard, she looks up to me and there's a lot of pressure to be there for her which I'm not really able to do anymore. That's pretty hard.

    Thank you that's really sweet of you to say Heart️ But I like being here for you all as well. I like to think we're a little online family here and look after each other xx

    Lots of love and hugs,

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Leonie4410

    Hii Leonie4410, hope you are having a lovely day today ^-^ 

    Yes I think you are both right defos. Never give up, that was a blip earlier, mustn't let that happen again. I'm sure I'll get to go to some amazing places one day! It's cool that you can go to Scotland for that now, I didn't know that. But it's good to know. I'd love to do that!

    We all deserve support and love, so whilst I can I will give you all as much as possible Heart️ 

    Harry Potter is amazing isn't it? Love it. No I've not heard of that book series before but I'll defos check it out. Thank you so much for the suggestion! Slight smile

    Sending you lots and lots of hugs,

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moi2

    Hii Moi2, it's lovely to hear from you xx

    I hope your food shopping went well and it wasn't too draining for you. Sounds like going to the hairdresser's was fab for you! ^-^ I'm really pleased for you. It's lovely to have a boost, can reallHeart brighten you up! Heart️ 

    Thank you I did do a bit today. I'm pleased about that. Pain has eased up so I'm going to go to bed now as well. Hopefully we will both sleep really well tonight!

    I hope you sleep really well. Sweet dreams and hugs xxx

    Best wishes,

    Jess xx

  • FormerMember

    It's, 3:33am here, I am in so much pain. Hopefully it will ease.

    Jess xx

  • I hope you're managing to sleep now, if the pain has let you.
