Really struggling today!

  • 24 replies
  • 48 subscribers


I’m really struggling to stop crying this morning. Had awful dream, crying that I wouldn’t be my sons mum anymore, then woke up crying, and it was real! The worst kind of dream! Just off for a blood test to check my thyroid as had thyroid cancer 22 years ago, I don’t even care, what’s the point, I’ve got another  cancer now, which is incurable. Who cares what my thyroid is doing !!!!

Sorry, I know we are all suffering, I’m just having a little meltdown! 

xxx Cry 

  • You can't suddenly feel better in a day. You are struggling. See your Mum, that's always guaranteed to cheer you up.

    I fall out with my wife regularly, it's impossible to be like a nice normal couple when one of you is so ill.

    Let him off with a warning! X

  • Sorry to hear you are feeling down Jane. Enjoy the time with your mum today x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Jane,

    Just read your post, sorry you are struggling as this brings on even more emotional feelings. If it is any consolation I`m sure probably everyone on this site has felt like you at one time or another, I know I have. Getting on with daily life is hard enough these days without having the extra pressure of dealing with incurable cancer. The dreams I can relate to as well but you have no control over what your brain does when you are sleeping albeit distressing. Hopefully you have turned the corner on this event and you do not have many more in the future. Stay strong.

    Take care, Tom

  • You're not a machine Jane. You're allowed to melt down any time you need to. Hugs. Rainie x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to HarleyD
    • Thank you Tom. Yes I’m sure they all have, as you say. 
      daily life is hard enough, as you say, without blinking cancer. 
      Just been and  poured my heart out to my mum, I feel guilty, but it’s nice to offload sometimes 
    • Thank you 
    • no idea where these dots are coming from Joy 
    • Take care too x 
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Rainieday

    True, I’m really not. I think people expect us to carry on and ‘enjoy’ life, it’s just not that easy. 
    Hope you’re ok xx 

    1. Sorry you've had a bad day, but spending time with mum to unload must be a comfort of sorts. People think cos we look good that we feel good but it's not that way is it. Then there's the one who says oh I heard your better !!!!!  So be kind to yourself. Sending hugs X
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Moi2

    Thank you. My poor mum got an ear bashing but she’s amazing! I’m lucky to have my parents. 
    exactly, my friend said to me the other day ‘jane, you look so well’ 

    But I’m bloody not! I’m I’ll, depressed, struggling every day , it’s the hardest thing ever!

    Thank you xx

  • It's a very rare person or perhaps your best friend that knows what to say. The people who know what you are going through are in here. Forgive the others, they mean no harm. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ted

    That was my best friend Joy 

    But I know they mean no harm, I know what you mean, thank you. It’s not easy to know what to say is it. 