Really struggling today!

  • 24 replies
  • 48 subscribers


I’m really struggling to stop crying this morning. Had awful dream, crying that I wouldn’t be my sons mum anymore, then woke up crying, and it was real! The worst kind of dream! Just off for a blood test to check my thyroid as had thyroid cancer 22 years ago, I don’t even care, what’s the point, I’ve got another  cancer now, which is incurable. Who cares what my thyroid is doing !!!!

Sorry, I know we are all suffering, I’m just having a little meltdown! 

xxx Cry 

  • Sending you a big HUG.  No need to apologise I know I have days like that and I’m sure most on here do


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • O dear I am sorry.

    i tend to brood at night on my own because I don’t want to worry others. Yesterday after talking to my oncologist I am coming to realise ( not quite there yet) that there will be no more treatment for me and I will have to let things take their natural course.

    the good thing about this site is we can say how we are feeling .

    It is good to have a melt down then you can carry on with your life and feel better for it xxx


  • Have a meltdown now and again Jane, it clears your system out. You would be unusual indeed if you never had them.

    And Ruth ... It's not over until it's over. You have told plenty of people on here no one knows what's around the corner so you know that's true.

    Xxx to you both.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ted

    Thank you Ted. Yes, you are right, it would be weird not to have a meltdown now and again. 
    It’s just the picking yourself back up, that’s a bit harder.  Feeling better though, thank you. 
    Yes, that’s right, what you said to Ruth, 

    Thank you Ruth. 

  • Jane we all have melt downs, it was waiting for my last scan results that got me it lasted about a week!, so meltdown and rant thinking of you and hope the thyroid tests are OK Heart

    Ruth just keep on keeping on sending hugs Heart

  • Morning Jane,

    hope you are feeling a little better this morning, well a lot better hopefully lol


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • Those kind of dreams are horrible. Hopefully you don't get them too often cos they trigger bad thoughts. 

    I had similar this week, it's not good.

    Christine x

  • Thank you x


  • Hi Jane, hope you've woken up feeling brighter today. We all get like that from time to time. The mind is very powerful and it can consume you. Do something lovely for yourself today! 


    little-fi x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to little-fi


    I don’t feel much better tbh, but thank you. Fell out with husband last night

    Going to pop to mums and see if she can cheer me up 
