Funeral Outfit / Arrangements

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Having a discussion with my wife today about what I want to wear as my last outfit and I just wondered if anyone else had done so.

the reason I had the discussion is my wife’s sister died and despite knowing she was dying for a fair while and saying she would leave instructions she never did. 

This meant my wife even 4 years later still goes back over all the things she arranged and wonders if her sister approved and did she make the right choice.

Have you told your loved ones the things you would like, not like and don’t care about so they will know they gave you what you wanted 

sorry to bring up the end of the journey but we all know it’s there 

  • Hi tvman luv the buttonholes idea is it to be bring a veggies, so it's like the harvest festival and they could be donated in your name to a worthy core x

  • Hi , good idea about the veg. As long as I don't kick the bucket in the winter and people would have to come with a large cabbage or potato in their buttonholes lol

    Love life and family.
  • Just before my mum died 31 years ago I remember she said to my dad, if she was to die first he was not to leave the house without a shirt, tie and looking respectable. He did what he was told except for hot weather and when on holidays, he continued for 20 years until he passed at 89, old school I suppose. My wife teases me by saying " You`re turning into you`re dad ". I take it as a compliment actually. So for me it will be suit, shirt & tie with polished shoes of course. I want to look respectable for the final time after all. 

    Take care, Tom

  • I have been thinking about music for my funeral - happy with two I have chosen but I want something slightly off the wall and upbeat for the exit music. At a friend's funeral a couple of years ago, she had specified they play " Oops upside your head" as we left. It was amazingly infectious in its upbeat ness and we all danced out as it was impossible not to. Given I have already said I know I wont be there to see/ hear it, the point is for the people at the funeral , especially close family and friends. Been musing on " Everything will be alright"/ 3 little birds" by Bob Marley, or "we'll meet again in electric dreams" by Human League. Still casting around for the perfect song.

  • Thanks for bringing this up as I'd not given it much thought. Maybe one of my old shirts covered in blobs of paint - it's be colourful at least.

    When my Dad was dying he told me to tell everybody not to wear black. He hated black and he especially hated me wearing it - there was a lot of black in my wardrobe then. So when the time came I made the request to the whole family: Dad doesn't want you all in black. I wore white and cream. Everybody else turned up in Navy blue that was so dark it might as well have been black. So you can ask but....       Rainie x

  • I have told my husband that i don't mind about music, clothing words etc. The only thing I can't make my mind up about is burial or cremation. My husband prefers the idea of cremation, but I have access to a family grave where my firstborn is buried and all alone so I think it would be nice to join him. But overall I think when I'm dead I won't care, so let the living decide. 


  • Oh TVman, I've just imagined being at a funeral where the men wear carrots, lettuce, radish etc in their buttonhole and the ladies wear large hats with fruit on them like Carmen Miranda! I do have a vivid imagination!!! It was terrific though!

    I have left instructions for my husband and family on my iPad and my husband knows where to find it but doesn't want to discuss anything until nearer the time! I've chosen the music for the crematorium and stipulated no black ties. I love the Disney ties, superman, Batman ties etc and if anyone wants to borrow one, my husband has loads from when he was working as he always wore a business suit and comic tie! The music for leaving the crem afterwards I'd like "Bring me Sunshine" and said the Morecombe &Wise dance out is optional but I know who will love to do this! I want people to leave with a smile on their face, not crying.

    To be honest, I think I have covered the important things on my Notes on my iPad and it doesn't matter what I'm wearing, it's going to burn anyway and the lid will not be opened at any time, so no one will see anyway, not even the family!

    Well, hopefully none of us will be in need of our final attire for a long time yet!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Sal an urn could be put in a grave with your little  one. My husbands family have done that, the man preferred cremation. X

  • Maybe a back-up in case the ipad packs up???    Rainie x

  • Aw Ellie, I'm quite a simple person too. I am a fairly green man too, so I want my coffin to be simple also. I have planted 1500 willow trees in the last 6 or 7 years so I'd like to use willow in some way. 

    Love life and family.