Funeral Outfit / Arrangements

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Having a discussion with my wife today about what I want to wear as my last outfit and I just wondered if anyone else had done so.

the reason I had the discussion is my wife’s sister died and despite knowing she was dying for a fair while and saying she would leave instructions she never did. 

This meant my wife even 4 years later still goes back over all the things she arranged and wonders if her sister approved and did she make the right choice.

Have you told your loved ones the things you would like, not like and don’t care about so they will know they gave you what you wanted 

sorry to bring up the end of the journey but we all know it’s there 

  • I have thought about it in passing too but never come to any conclusions. Jeans and a jumper is my daily wear, but I do like the odd dress up day too. I have often wondered about what the congregation should wear. I dont particularly like the instruction some people give for everyone to wear yellow or whatever. I think the Nirvana song " Come as you are"  suits me - so those who want to wear black or a suit can, or those who want wellies and gardening clothes can too. ( So both Ted and Tvman catered for - not that I am expecting you to be in the audience! and I wouldnt know anyway.  As  Epicurus says,"Where death is I am not, where I am death is not")

    There was a series of programme on radio 4 called " Vicars talking", and they discussed in one what they wanted at their funeral - they all wanted much weeping and wailing, no " celebration of life" stuff. Jaundiced by all the funerals they have taken part in no doubt. They were a funny bunch to listen to ( Rev Richard Coles, vicar off googlebox, Giles Fraser from St Martins in london)

  • My sister recently died, she left us letters saying how she cared foe her kids and sisters. Her husband got letters with all her wishes hymns, prayers flowers everything EXCEPT what to wear ! So I picked her best dress.

    I've picked mine and informed them all (husband and daughters) So thats all done x

  • Did you find it a comfort to know what she wanted, what she didn’t want and what bits she was happy for you all to do how you want? 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • A few years ago now a friend of mine was out fishing had a heart attack and died. At the crematorium as the coffin was going through the curtains  the song 'Gone fishing' was played.

    People didn't know whether to laugh, cry or both.


  • I'm with you Ellie, I would like to wear my smartish lounge wear. As soon as I get home I'm straight into lounge wear.and I can open my front door at any time of the day without people thinking I've just got out of bed! Blush

    We laid my mum to rest dressed in a beautiful pair of cream satin PJ's that my brother bought her that she was saving in case she was admitted to hospital.

    little-fi x 

  • Yes Richard, at first before we new about the letters people in the family were saying she'd like this or that and we were all wrong. It was a lovely service. X

  • I am astounded at the amount of interest in what you would be wearing on your send off day. I suppose because I used to go to work suited and booted, once home and changed, on with the trackie bottoms. That's what I wear now.

    I can see that it could cause worry for those organising things so I am going to give an idea of what I would like.

    Thanks Richard.

  • Hi, I must admit I haven't given thought on what to be dressed in, chose chrem to make sure I got a warm send off, plus two songs, and every one to dress in what they feel comfortable, nothing to dark.

    In the house I wear lounge wear regardless of time of day, if it's nice enough to sit outside normal trackies or shorts.

    To be dressed in lounge suite, seems a good idea.

    All the best everyone Ulls

  • Hopefully it's a while off yet, will know more after my next scan on 24th May but I'm in no pain, feel fit and well at least for the moment. Oncologist hopes I won't need more treatment until Xmas.

    I talked to hubby about various things the other day and his head is slightly coming out of the sand, enough to expose his ears so I hope he's listening to what I'm saying.

    I've got a couple of dresses I love (don't wear dresses much nowadays) and some sparkly sandals. I used to be called Blingy Barb when I sold jewellery at local table top sales and still love a sparkle.

    I don't want people to wear dark colours and donations to go to Cancer research so one day Cancer will be no more.

    Barb xx

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  • Hi , the dilemma about the congregation is of concern to me. I have decided that I don't want a lot of black when the time comes. I want people to dress in bright clothing because I want to have a celebration of my life. Flowers in buttonholes, or veggies. That should bring a smile to people. I have spent so much of my life growing and showing vegetables in various horticulture shows. 

    Take care and stay safe OBS

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.